141 Whats the plan? (1/2)
Linri walked into Hayato's room. The curtains were closed so it was pretty dark inside. The only source of light was the computer screen... basically a hacker's room you can see in movies. Gosh, can this guy be any more cliché?
\”So what's the deal?\” Hayato asked. He didn't even look at Linri's way.
Linri sat on the bed before speaking.
\”Well... It's another heist but this time we are going to steal information instead of a person. You interested?\”
\”Depends on how much you are going to pay.\”
\”Hayato Hayato Hayato. You little naive guy. Do you actually think I will pay you in cash?\” Linri said with a smirk.
\”Okay. Then let me rephrase that, is the information you are offering worth it?\”
\”From my perspective it is. After all, you wouldn't want to die before knowing what killed you right? Also, take my hint about Zero's attack as front payment. Now, are you interested?\”
\”The job is breaking into Ms Snow's room and steal all the data on her computer. The payment is the date of the next attack on the school.\”
Hayato lifted his head and looked at him. He looked doubtful.
\”Do you really need my help for something so simple? I can probably break into her computer from here.\”
\”Nope, the data you can access from here would only be the surface stuff. I am not interested in those. As you know Ms Snow is the leading genius of our time. Don't you think she would hide more sensitive stuff in a closed server?\”
\”Makes sense. So what is it that you want to learn from her? Do you just want to steal all her inventions and sell it on the deep web or are you searching for something specific?\”
\”You know me better than that. Of course, I am searching for something specific. If you agree now I can pay you upfront and fill you in on the details\”
Hayato thought for a second before sighing.
\”Okay, so when is the next attack?\”
\”Haha, I knew you couldn't resist. The next attack is going to be Monday. If my sources aren't wrong Ms Snow has planted a nuclear bomb under the school and she plans to make students fight each other to death. I don't know the exact details of what kind of events she is planning but unless someone clears her little game she is serious about blowing the school to bits.\”
\”You serious?\”
\”When have I ever lied to you... except all the other times I have lied but this time I am serious. Honestly, I can't see how that woman's mind works. She is scary even for me.\”
\”Does your plan have anything to do with that? Is that why you want to break in? Just to steal her plans and stopping her.\”
\”Pfft, good joke. No, one of my sources informed me that she might be a member of the Renegades and I want to confirm it. Even though my sources are very reliable that accusation is too big for me to believe blindly. That's why we have to break into her room to find evidence.\”
\”Renegades? Never heard of them\”