100 The Heist Part 4 (1/2)

The five were slowly making their way through the vents. They eventually reached the laboratory. If Gendor was not here too that would mean he was not inside the facility or he was already dead. He could not have been killed in these 2 days as otherwise, Linri believed that Sarah had enough a conscience to warn them of the danger. Still thinking about it another way if he was not dead and out of this facility that would mean Sarah had already broken him out and this was a trap set to get rid of Linri. Both situations would be bad.

Just like before Selim phased a part of his face to see what was down there and thankfully they found 2 scientists working on something. This was both good news and bad news. The good news was Gendor was most likely here. The bad news was if they could not knock the two scientists simultaneously, one of them had the chance to sound the alarm.

This was all on Selim's shoulders. He was the only one that could attack the scientist without making any sounds. The others would have to open the hatch and jump down making too much noise. Selim however could just phase through the vent and jump or rather fall on them.

”What's the situation?” Linri asked through the comm.

”There are 2 nerds down there working on something. There is a high chance that our target is in here.” Selim explained the situation he saw.

”Don't call them nerds!” Leslie berated Selim.

”Nerds are nerds! What's wrong with calling them what they are?” Selim was going to keep talking when another voice shut him up.

”Keep the comms clean. If you screw this up there won't be any payment.” Hayato's words were very effective as both Leslie and Selim immediately stopped talking.

”What's the plan?” Luke asked.

That was what Linri thinking about too but he could not come up with any answers. He was good at planning but he was no professional thief or a mercenary how was he supposed to come up with something on the spot?

”Selim, can you take both of them out simultaneously?” Linri asked the most obvious question.

”It would be hard if I am not allowed to kill. I can kill both of them but knocking both out without sounding the alarms is impossible.” Selim's words were reasonable and even surprised Linri. He was actually able to kill both of them but the question is should they really kill them? This was supposed to be an easy mission. Break-in, grab the data, rescue Gendor and get out the same way they came in. If murder is in the equation everything would blow out of portions.

”Hayato how much would the situation escalate if we were to kill the scientist?” Since he did not know the answer himself it was the best to ask someone who does so Linri did not hesitate to ask Hayato for his opinion.