96 Meeting with a bunch of crazy people Part 2 (1/2)

”Your forehead is bleeding!” Leslie came over with tissue on her hand and wiped the blood off of Linri's face.

”Thanks.” Linri thanked Leslie. Honestly, due to Diego's perversion, Leslie had a nice character. Diego felt that it would be interesting to play a character that acted evil just because she felt like she was supposed to be evil due to the demon inside her. For fuck's sake Diego why did you have to be so obsessed with demons? First, there was Tory and now Leslie. Of course, every player could create 3 characters in total; 2 students and 1 teacher. Remembering Diego's demon character Linri shivered.

You see Tory became evil due to jealousy and hunger for power, Leslie was a victim of her surroundings but the last one? She was evil just because she was evil at heart.

”Luke, carry Selim inside we are gonna have the meeting promptly.” Hayato ordered towards the shadow beside him.

It was then Luke left the shadows and Linri could see his full appearance. Luke was the guy that spoke. He had ice blue eyes and black hair that was down to his shoulders. He had tied his hair in a ponytail. He was wearing a black tracksuit with a white t-shirt under it. His face looked apathetic. Like he wouldn't even bat an eye if the world was destroyed right at this second.

Luke then proceeded to throw Selim on his shoulder and headed for inside. Throughout the whole ordeal, he didn't cast a second glance towards Linri aside from his initial question.

”I guess we should follow them right?” Linri asked Leslie who was standing beside him. She just shrugged her shoulders and followed behind them.

When Linri was following behind them he inspected the house. It was disgusting. There were cracks all over the walls and cobwebs on the corners. It was obvious no one lived here in a long time. He assumed this was the reason for the lack of lights maybe this house didn't even have any electricity.

Linri saw a faint white light up ahead it was coming from a lamp on top of a table. There was a guy sitting in a chair resting his feet on the table. He had spiky blond hair and purple eyes. One of his eyes was covered by an eye-patch. It was not a design choice though he was really partially blind. His name was Lance and even from meeting him for the first time Linri felt like he was a douche-bag.

Lance lazily glanced towards them.

”What took you so long? I thought you just went to answer the door.” He sounded irritated.

No one bothered to answer him which made him more irritated. Wow even among the mercenaries this guy had quite the bad reputation it seems or was it that something happened before he came here so the others were ignoring him now?