69 We are not sthems (1/2)
”So where are we going?” Linri asked, currently they were on a bus. Jaime was the one dragged him here so he was kinda curious.
”To pick up my sweet little muffin of course!” Jaime answered cheerfully. She was awfully happy he had to give her that.
”You mean Brie? Is she going to come as well?” That was kind of a good news for him. He would save himself the trouble of being stared at countless people in the clothing store.
”Well duh! Didn't you say you were gonna photograph us? Of course she is gonna be here.” Mentioning the photo Linri became uncomfortable again.
”Forget I even said anything, I think it's a good time back out of this. I can always find another way to bribe Richard.” Once he said that he felt like a huge burden was taken off his shoulders.
”Yeah I know you will.” Jaime answered him without a second of doubt.
”Huh? Then why are we even here?” He was genuinely confused. Jaime gave a mischievous smile to him.
”To go to the pool of course.” Her answer did not help in anyway to alleviate his confusion.
”You are aware that you are not making any sense right?” Jaime grabbed a flock of her and threw it behind her ear.
”And why should I? Life is not a chess game where every move has to have a reason behind it. Sometimes you do things just because. Also this is our stop.” Then Jaime grabbed Linri by the arm and dragged him out of the bus.
Obviously they were near the Queen Alexandria Orphanage. Linri thought of ways to escape this predicament. He really did not want to go swimming for some reason. Then an idea hit him and he glanced at his wrist. I guess that should work as an excuse.
”Yeah I guess you are right but have you considered they might not let me inside the pool?” Jaime did not understand so she turned to look at him.
”Why wouldn't they?” She had taken the bait, now lets hope that she will swallow the hook.
”It's because of this of course.” Linri showed her the silver serpent bracelet he got back at the Togk temple. He still did not know what it was and he could not take it out. He tried to ask Solas and Lozna a couple of times but they did not tell him anything aside from 'it was a good thing'. He was highly doubtful of the truth of the matter but he could not do anything.
He had tried everything possible to take it out including cutting it but there was not even a single scratch on it. The fact that it used to be a living meter long snake did not help him either. He was afraid that the bracelet would come to life again and bite him to death during his sleep. Luckily or unluckily he could not see any dreams or nightmares aside from the 'dream'. It at least saved him some trouble.