14 The Crazy Plan 2 in 1 (1/2)
When they left the office it was already 8 pm so Linri messaged his mom that he would be at home in and hour. 2 hours at most.
When they were on the subway there were some curious looks towards them but nobody came and questioned anything. This was London. Everybody just minded their own business.
Linri and Jaime left the subway at their stop and made their way to a McNugget. The place was a combination of McDonald's and KFC. Jaime purchased an extra large McChicken anda small soda. Linri just got the normal size since he was not really hungry. As soon as they sat down Jaime started to wolf down on her food. Linri guess was right she hadnt eaten anything whole day.
”Wow Spark I didn't expect you would be so unladylike.” Linri joked while having a bite of his burger.
”Who cares about being ladylike. I am hungry.” said Jaime and continued to wolf down her food.
After he was done with his food Linri was thinking about how to explain this situation to his parents. He knew they would help Jaime but he still needed to come up with a plausible story. While thinking about the possible scenarios Linri saw 3 punk like guys looking their way. They were looking at Jaime. They were most likely captivated with her charms. Seeing them Linri immediately thought of something and his eyes twinkled.
”Spark whatever happens do not get involved.” Jaime looked at him with questioning eyes since she was not aware of Linri's thoughts.
Linri got up from his table and started to walk towards the punk looking guys. He walked up to their table and slammed his hands against the table.
”Were you bloody looking at my girl you scums!”
They were startled but they were not going to take this lying down especially in their own turf. One of them immediately got up.
”Yeah we were looking. With a nice piece of ass like that it would be a crime to not look. What are you gonna do you little rat!” The guy was twice as buff as Linri and he was a good 20 cm taller than him. Everyone thought Linri was insane to walk up to them and look for trouble.
”If you were a man you wouldn't just look like you were gonna eat her up. Come to the back alley if you have the guts!” Linri shouted at them and immediately walked out of the restaurant.
Three of them walked behind him in case this little rat tried to escape. They were just thinking that in front of his girl friend Linri was just trying to act tough. So he would most likely ran away at the first chance. They were not gonna let him escape. Since Linri looked for trouble himself they were going to teach him what it means to barking at the wrong door.
Jaime on the other hand was shocked by what Linri was doing. Was he going to use those guys to practice his power? Anyway whatever the reason was it was still dangerous so she got up from the table and left behind them.
In the back alley next to a dumpster Linri stopped and turned around.
”Okay this place will do just fine. Once I disposed of thrash like you I can just throw you into this dumpster.” Linri said sarcastically while pointing at the dumpster.
The three punks were enraged. Without saying anything the one that got up hereby referred to as Punk 1 threw a punch against Linri.
Linri effortlessly dodged it thanks to his 1.5x above average agility. In the Autumnfall RP club characters had attribute points just like a normal RPG. There were a total of 15 levels but nobody managed to reach that high before the club was deleted. The highest attributed character was only 5 back then.
The reason for that was nobody wanted to play as a body practitioner as everyone wanted to create their own unique power. It was much later on that people finally noticed attributes were actually kinda op if they were used right. Just like in this case.
According to lore of the story a normal human can only possess 1x average attribute in any of their stats. It can be lesser than that but not higher. So since Linri possessed 1.5x above average speed and 1.5x above average agility even if he did not know anything about fighting. Unless Linri himself allows it they wouldn't be able to hit him no matter how hard they try.
Even if Linri was not able to tap into his ability just yet Linri was still the son of a Werewolf so it was just a matter of fact that he had 2 attributes higher than normal humans. Now that he thought about he wondered what Spark put on Jaime's background so that she also had higher attributes than normal humans.
”Oh come you little babies. You are literally twice my size. Don't tell me 3 grown men cant beat up a little rat” Linri was mocking them when he was dodging the Punk 1's punches and kicks.
”Bloody Christ! All on him boys” Punk 1 shouted at Punk 2 and Punk 3.