1 Getting Taken Away! (1/2)
”How boring!!! My life is too boring!! Give me a life of adventure!!”
Danielle screamed aloud in the very busy city. This gained multiple strange looks but ignored them all as she complained even more.
”Why can't my life be interesting for once…?” She said sullenly while crossing the road.
Danielle's phone dropped and the traffic lights just turned green. She picked her phone up and saw a huge truck speeding down the street right towards her! She ran as fast as she could to get to the other side of the street.
'No way is Truck-kun killing me today!! I can't be reincarnated in such an overused way!”
Her breath was rough and rapid. And it seemed to her as if the truck was aiming right for her! The truck seemed to lose it's original direction of the road and was heading for the sidewalk she was aiming for. Danielle, luckily, managed to noticed the path Truck-kun was headed and jumped back into the middle of the street.
The truck crashed into the side of a large building and exploded. The crosswalk she passed by every day has suddenly turned into place of mayhem, chaos, and death. Her body started to shake at the sight of the dead bodies and heavily injured people. Standing still in the middle of the road as if she was a lost soul. When she came back to she found some masked man on top of her attempting to remove her clothes in the middle of this big accident. She screamed for help until she saw the man pull out a knife. She quickly shut up and watched as the man slowly sliced her school uniform apart.
'No! No! No! I can't let this disgusting piece of garbage touch my body! The man that I choose will have to be the king of the universe before I even let him think about holding my hand!'
”I like my victims quiet and scared. Your beautiful, shaking, chocolate skin has my cock the hardest it's ever been. I will enjoy taking you, you gorgeous, lovely, brown princess.” He whispered to her with an obvious bulge in his pants.
Danielle raised her knee abruptly and kneed the would-be rapist. Taking away one of his precious objects as a male. Tears were flowing down like a raging river. The man doubled over and held his groin. Nothing but hatred and violence was in her eyes while the city block devolved into pandemonium all around her. She stomped the attacker in the face repeatedly.
Blood ran down his face on the second stomp.
His nose broke when his face impacted against her foot for the 3rd time.
He lost consciousness on the 7th stomp.
But she didn't stop until she was pulled out of her rage by a local police officer. He tried to put handcuffs on her but this reminded Danielle of her last recent experience with a man touching her.
”No! Don't touch me!” She screamed.
”Ma'am please don't resist! Keep your hands at your side and—” The officer was thrown off the teenaged girl somehow.
She flipped out. She grabbed the rapist's knife and stabbed the police officer in the gut. She looked at his dazed eyes as he fell over.
”What… What have I done….? I… I have to go… I have to leave!”
She ran into empty alleyway and disappeared as a strange portal appeared in front of her.
Danielle appeared in some sort of dark blue space. Cubes filled the entire sky. They sort of reminded her of the cubes that made up the Nintendo Gamecube start-up screen.
”Ah. I must have made it to school and that whole incident was just a freaky dream. This must be part 2 to that dream and I'll still sleeping in class.” She told herself despite the blood splatter on her half-ruined uniform.
”You stupid mortal woman! I gave you chance after chance to finally be transported to one of those fantasy worlds you wished so much about and you fled from them at every turn! ”Truck-kun” was suppose to get you here faster! The attacker wouldn't have actually finished his assault, the police officer would've stopped him but not before he stabbed you in a panic and got shot down. You forced me to use my powers on that world!” A voice shouted at her.
Danielle was processing all this and thought it would be safer for her mental state to keep believing this is a dream.
”Screw off dickhead! I'm Danielle Grimes and if you think you can take me away to some fantasy land by force, you got another thing coming!” She held the middle finger to the sky.
”You unbelievable stubborn idiot! Do you know how much trouble I could get in if I got caught by Earth's God?! I'm not even suppose to be in it's realm! But I went through all this trouble for this troublesome girl! Why is Fate so cruel to me…?” The voice seemed to be on the verge of crying.
Danielle felt a little sympathetic for the voiceless loser. Although she was a nerd in a class of her own, she would never let anyone know about it. It would ruin her image.
”Alright voice. What did you want from me?”
”No!!! This is all wrong!! I was suppose to have a big grand awe-inspiring entrance and you were suppose to be amazed and question your being here!” The voice whined even more.
By this point Danielle was getting slightly annoyed.
”Sorry but with the last dream, my head's still kind of foggy. Can you explain what you need now?”
”Fine. Annoying mortal. You have been chosen by my realm's Goddess of Fate to be my champion. I came and risked my godhood just so you could represent me in my realm's next upcoming Destiny Battle.”
'This dream is turning out to be quite exciting. I wonder what he has to offer me for going. He can't possibly think I'll just up and leave my friends and family without any sort of gain right?'
”Now let's go.” The voice said without shame.
It was at this moment Danielle's anger almost peaked. Any normal person could tell she was holding back her anger and urge to snap but it seems this ”god” had no common sense. It even manipulated the purple cubes to guide her into a swirling mass of black and blue. She guessed it was a portal.
”Please explain to me what I gain from going with you Mr. God.”
”Uh… Isn't it the world of adventure and amazement and excitement that you've been wishing for?”
”And you expect me to go into that world like this?!!?! You don't even offer a sort of system or cheat for me to have while going into such a dangerous world?!”
With that outburst, the voice was silent for a while. Danielle's anger slowly lowered as well.
'Did I hurt their feelings? Surely a god can't be so sensitive right?'
”You're right. I almost nearly forgot to gift my champion with a skill! Haha I'm so forgetful sometimes. Thankfully you reminded me.” The voice said in an oopsie- I nearly made a mistake haha I'm so silly, voice.
Danielle got a different aura from that phrase though. It felt as if the cubes were getting closer to her. Almost as if they wanted to strangle her, crush her for the outburst earlier…
'This dream is scarily realistic.'
”Which skill would you like to have my champion? Or ”wish” as they say sometimes in your world.”
”Give me a moment!” She requested in a much nicer manner.
'Okay okay. Which anime power do I want to take with me.. umm. Dragon Ball Z! uhm uhm saiyan?! No. Saiyan's are so overused and boring. But what about the androids? Unlimited energy and immortality! The unlimited energy could help me in this fantasy world maybe it'll transfer into magic! Unlimited magic would be awesome! But maybe it won't… Okay okay what about Cell? Nah.. There are no androids to absorb to reach my perfect form and I don't want to turn into first form Cell.. Oh I know!!!'
Danielle excited decided on her choice after spending much time deliberating whose powers she wanted and the voice seemed to be slightly irritated.
”Have you chosen yet?” It asked after waiting on Danielle for at least 10 minutes.
”Yep! I want the powers of Majin Buu from Dragon Ball Z!” She stated.
”I don't know what that is but get out of my personal realm already. You will be gifted it once you step through the portal.”
Danielle ran through the portal with visible joyfulness on her face. She leapt through the portal and blacked out.
”Such an annoying champion… If she decided to waste any more time, I would have definitely been caught by Earth's God. Maybe I should have searched through her memories a bit more to find out what skills this ”Majin Boo” had, but I'm out of time as it is…” The voice said to itself before vanishing from Earth's realm and returning to his own.
Danielle found herself in the middle of a desert. She slightly taken aback stood up and almost stared into the sun. She blocked it with her hand and noticed her pink hand?
”What the..?”
She looked down at herself and saw that her entire body has turned pink! She had small holes in various position on her body like that ones Buu used to blow steam from.
”So cooooooool!!!!” She shouted while jumping into the air.
But Danielle didn't know her new power. She jumped so high, she could easily reach buildings from the ground in her old world.
”Not cool! Not Cool! How do I fly?! How do I use ki or magic?! Anything!??!” She freaked out while trying to use some sort of energy to save her.
She crashed into the sandy ground and sand quickly sunk after her. With a whip of her pink antenna, she surfaced above the sand.
”Hahahaha I didn't feel a thing!” Danielle started to manipulate her body however she wanted and decided to add a few changes. Right now, she totally looked like Kid Buu.
But with her changes she added a more feminine allure to herself. She added petite and shapely bosoms with nice firm tips. She added more substance to her behind and grew slightly taller.
”Although I need to find some type of clothes for my chest, this is perfect! It sucks I can't use energy yet but in this world, I'm sure I just got to find the right place.”