Volume 4 Chapter 11 (1/2)
Volume 4 Chapter 11: More than meets the eye
Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”
「Here you go. Please take this with you.」
As Axel started filling the transportation bag with the miraculous water, Michaela used another water jar to pour the water into glass bottles, which she then handed to Saki and Berzelia.
「Oh! Thank you, Grace.」
Berzelia looked happy after receiving a bottle, but then, put a hand onto her throat.
「Uwaa, I drank water just a short while ago, and I’m already thirsty again. Though it’s not unbearable.」
「Dragon Monarch Hydra, your usual temperature is high, which makes you more prone to dehydration. ……Well, this purple storm…… Or what was this called? After coming under it myself, I can tell that it’s dehydration and magic draining effects stick for quite a while.」
「Saki-san is really perceptive about magic-type damage……」
Michaela, though with a faint hint of surprise, confirmed Saki’s calm analysis.
「It’s just as Saki-san says. This is the troublesome part of this purple storm. It dehydrates far stronger than a normal sandstorm, and on top of that drains magic power. Was it a usual sandstorm, miraculous water would’ve cured its influence, but with this storm, one has to keep drinking.」
「This… is quite a chore. And it would be quite dangerous if one were to run out of water.」
「Yes. That’s why the search isn’t going as well as we’d like. ……You heroes are still fine, but long exposure will leave even you dehydrated in no time.」
「Uuh, Grace. Can I have another cup of the miraculous water? My throat is dry.」
「Ah, here, Berzelia-san. The jars automatically generate water, so please, drink to your heart’s content.」
「Yaay, thank you!」
Michaela poured a new cup of miraculous water and gave it to Berzelia, which she started drinking with delight.
The effect of the miraculous water immediately showed, returning healthy moisture to her skin.
……However, the fact that the effects immediately showed, also meant that the heroes are also susceptible to this storm…
I think the heroes are strong.
Even with high-tier jobs and clad into anti-sandstorm equipment, we promptly get dehydrated and drained of magic power, but for them, it amounts only to some slight dehydration.
Berzelia, a Dragon Monarch, Saki, the hero of magic, both hold resistances different from high-tier jobs, that much is evident.
However, at the same time, another thought was stuck in my headー
……This purple sandstorm is powerful enough to even get to the heroes.
At this moment, I truly realized that.
Even with resistance, the effects aren’t nullified completely.
…Now, they will have to travel through this storm……
While Axel kept pouring water from the magic faucet into the transportation bag, Michaela slightly opened the window that showed the desert and gazed out of it.
A strong wind is blowing.
Hitting doors and windows, as if prying its way through the small opening, it entered inside.
Dry wind.
After taking only a few breaths, a feeling of discomfort appeared at the back of the throat.
Even saliva on the tongue and throat disappeared.
Even with the mouth closed, the effects still show.
For their search, they would have to travel through this sand and wind relying on miraculous water for refreshments.
……Right. Traveling through this, the heroes might be fine, but…… Him, no longer a hero, the carrier, can he really do it……?
I know that it is an insulting doubt to have, considering that I was the one who asked them to do this.
But I can’t help but think about it.
With water being drained from the organism at all times, after a few minutes, a severe thirst would come, and after a few dozen minutes, one would collapse as the body functions fail.
Even with powerful magic protection skills and resistance that come with my high-tier job it’s like that.
And dehydration and magic drain would get only worse as one approaches certain points lying deep in the desert. This phenomenon was exhibited in our previous investigations.
AndーーThe search zone for this mission includes such areas as well.
……I know that he is not a simple carrier. But even so……