Volume 3 Chapter 12 (1/2)

Volume 3 Chapter 12: Shrouded in Darkness

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

A round table surrounded by complete darkness.

A single man was sitting there with his eyes closed.

「Hello. Can you hear me, majin, Byoko-kun.」

To those words, the man addressed as Byoko-kun opened his eyes.

「I hear you. And this time we are having a discussion by sending our thoughts via means of sorcery again. ……So you don’t have to worry about tapping. Relax and show yourself.」

When he said so as if in reply to his words a figure appeared on the other side of the round table.

A silhouette out of a black mist.

With its undefined shape, it appeared both like a human and an animal.

「It’s been a few weeks since our last contact, is the God Tree destruction plan going smoothly?」

As the figure of black mist manifested itself, it turned a human-like head to Byoko-kun and asked.

In turn, Byoko-kun nodded and replied.

「Yeah. ……When the head of magic science guild called the hero of training I thought it’s going to be a problem though.」

After those words, the black silhouette opened the area where its eyes would be wide.

「I see. I can’t get in touch with you frequently due to the consumption rate of communication magic, but now the situation seems even more difficult than the last time.」

「One time per week is the limit. Well, I’m doing this on accumulated residual magic power, so it can’t be helped. We both have our own things to do.」

Nothing can be done about the freshness of information.

That’s why we had this exchange to keep us updated.

Though he told this to the black haze, he still was in a serious predicament.

「In fact, the hero of training is making a great contribution to the guild, from poison detection to its analysis. With her analysis skills, decomposition magic, and even drill sorcery, she is a lot of trouble. Thanks to her they are even making outrageously fast progress on the antidote, which the magic science guild would’ve never developed on their own…… Damn, those annoying pets of gods.」

Byoko-kun sighed.

「And now I have to move as well. well, I already prepared countermeasures. Even if it turns to combat, I’m sure to defeat the hero of training.」

「Fumu, I see. That is fine, I have trust in your ability. ……However, I acquired another piece of information. Have you heard of『Flying Carrier』?」

Byoko-kun replied with a nod.

Naturally. There is no way he wouldn’t know of him.

「Yes, it’s that carrier with the same name as the dragon knight hero, right? The one that already defeated our brethren twice? Supposedly he is traveling in a party with heroes.」

「Correct. I received information that he took off towards the City of God Tree.」

「Figures. It actually seems like he is already here. A fellow boasting an exaggerated name of flying carrier.」

With Byoko-kuns reply the shadowy figure shrunk a little.

「……So he is already there. He is faster than I expected.」

「Yeah. According to the head of the magical science guild, he already delivered them supplies. Even though I corroded the pathway leading to the upper floors. Never would’ve I expected a lousy carrier to make his way there.」

「Oh……? Just how did he?」

「Who knows. I asked around and apparently, he climbed along with a hero by some unknown method. Perhaps due to the dim lighting of the evening, but as far as I heard, no one actually saw the sight of the carrier climbing to the upper floor. Damn, this is why humans are useless.」

「……Fumu. Even so, there is no mistake that he immediately began his activities there. You think he poses a threat?」