Volume 2 Chapter 17 (1/2)

Volume 2 Chapter 17: Morning in the City of Water and Update of Plans

That day, around the time when the sun began to get stronger.

I was eating breakfast on the first floor of the pirate inn, but—

「Good morning. Carrier-niisan.」

Just when I was about to finish, a face that I had seen yesterday showed up.

「Hm? Yeah, Good morning. Ehm, Wilhelm, right?」

「Aye. It’s an honor that you remembered me, Carrier-niisan. Thank you very much for yesterday.」

Wilhelm bowed energetically while saying this.

His movements seemed more lively than yesterday.

「It’s fine. We only fulfilled the request. By the way, are your injures fine already?」

When asked, Wilhelm raised his head and hit himself on the chest.

「Of course. I’m completely healed. All because you guys brought me to the city so fast. I’m grateful to both you lad and the hero of magic who created that road of ice.」

As he said this, he looked around my surroundings.

「Actually, are you alone right now? The hero of magic who saved the lives of the sailors, or that red-haired girl who carried the baggage…」

「They are still sleeping upstairs.」

After the dinner last night, around bedtime, Berzelia and Saki were arguing who will sleep in my double room.

I thought that it was a usual thing and went to bed right away, but it seems that they were arguing until it was deep in the night.

When I woke up, both were sleeping on the same bed together.

The surroundings were kind of frozen or burnt here and there, most likely they exhausted themselves and went to sleep.

It’s good that they are getting along, so I decided to let them sleep and went downstairs to catch breakfast earlier but—

「But it’s about time for them to wake up. If you need, should I wake them up?」

「No, you don’t have to go that far. But how should I put it, I guess my business, is with you, niisan.」

「With me?」

「Can you come to the shipbuilding guild later? It’s a building with a mast stuck into it, near that huge dock over there.」

Saying this, Wilhelm pointed outside the window.

Not far from the port, was a building that stood out with a mast sticking out of it.

That seems to be the shipbuilding guild.