Chapter 3027: Seduce Tian Lei! (1/2)

”Then I will go with you!”

Ding Lingdang said without hesitation, ”We two will lead it away together. If anything goes wrong, there may be a remedy!”

”No need. You can see its speed and energy level. If my calculations are correct, one person is enough to distract it. calculations are in error, no more people will use it.”

Li Yao smiled and said, ”You have just rushed to the stage of transforming gods. You belong to the type of rushing forward and soaring into the sky. Although the psychic energy contained in the body is powerful and unmatched, the control power is still not enough, and it is easy to escape. The faint ripples of psychic energy are noticed by it, including all of you. In the field of subtle control of psychic energy and extreme micromanagement, no one is my opponent.

”So, you still focus on your task. After I distract it, do everything possible to control the starship, enter the Emperor's Tomb, and grab Lu Qingchen - this is also a vital task.

”As for me, huh, it's not that I am bragging. As the number one master of the Pangu universe, when I want to hug my head and run away, even if nine heavens and ten places and billions of gods and demons take action together, I don't want to stop me!”

After Li Yao finished speaking, leaving Ding Lingdang and the others no room for rebuttal, he simply cut off the communication.

A bunch of criss-crossed fluorescent red lines appeared on the surface of the giant soldier ”arsonist” again, and all the red lines gathered in the eyes, blooming with magnificent colors.

The airtight door under the activation platform slid open silently. After a brief fall, the weightlessness he had been accustomed to wrapped him up. Li Yao once again stood in the dark and deep sea of ​​stars, feeling extremely free and refreshing.

The stars are his home.

With his own strength, facing a plasma torrent with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers and a core temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, this is a battle worthy of him to muster the courage, give up his life, and mobilize all his wisdom to fight!

Of course, before the war, he had to borrow some small ”toys” from the ”Saker Falcon” and several nearby fast assault ships.


Under Li Yao's suggestion and Li Linghai's order, all the starship commanders of the expedition fleet gritted their teeth and desperately stopped all operations of the starship.

No way, in the treacherous and vicious unknown starry sky, the intuition of a strong distraction may be the only weapon they can rely on.

The psychic shields and psychic magnetic field of a starship disappeared instantly, and the power units that were originally all over the ship's hull were also dimmed.

Inside the cabin, the artificial gravity field has been cancelled, and the crew members with the top helmets and armour are floating in mid-air, relying on flexible restraint straps and cushioning gels to fix themselves in their respective posts, but they cannot stop the water cup, micro crystal brain and All kinds of daily necessities danced all over the sky.

The spiritual network and tactical data link between the starships were also cut off, and they were in a state of absolute ”communication silence.” Every corridor and every cabin was plunged into darkness. People could only adjust the emergency light to the weakest brightness. Looking at each other's blurred figures, they prayed silently in the dark, praying that Li Yao's judgment was correct, and that their armor shells were strong enough to withstand the increasingly intense meteorite rain.

boom! Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Without the neutralization of the psychic shield and the interference of the psychic magnetic field, a large meteorite rain immediately hits the shell of each starship like hail, knocking out a crisp and penetrating sound, sometimes mixed with a burst. The harsh ”creak, creak, creak” sound, that is the shell, keel or girder of the starship is being subjected to a huge impact, reaching the metal fatigue limit, and groaning dying, if you are not lucky, you can still hear it.” The sound of “chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichi-chichichichichichichichichichichichichichi-chichichichichichi-chichichichichichii-chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichii-chichichichichii-chichi-chichi-chichi Chichi Chichi Chichi-chichichi

The star sea is vast, and the gravel star belt is chaotic. Every second, hundreds of millions of tons of material are ejected from the fragmented crustal structure of the ”Ancient Thirteen”, rushing into the starry sky like a mud-rock flow. The human starship is nothing but a mud-rock flow. In the middle of a piece of dead leaves, in the case of losing power, they were unable to control their own destiny, they were quickly washed away and lost their way.

The sweep of the super plasma torrent formed a terrifying accelerating magnetic field in the gravel star belt, which is equivalent to creating a powerful ”electromagnetic gun” out of thin air. The meteorite that was originally smashing has undergone electromagnetic acceleration, not only the speed Ascending a step, the rotation speed has also been accelerated by dozens of times or even hundreds of times.

They are like hurricane drill bits, they have drilled through the shells, bulkheads, tunnels, and even the entire starship without any effort.

The sound of ”chichichichi” became more and more harsh. Many starships quickly lost pressure and cooled down. A thin layer of frost appeared on the main control crystal brain and magic weapon unit, and the even more unlucky starship was hit. In the fuel storage, a large amount of liquid fuel and coolant overflowed, like a blood rush.

At this rate of damage, they would never last for forty-five minutes to an hour.

Being able to persist for half an hour is already the limit.

But they can't do anything except grit their teeth, endure silently, and deal with the damage within the smallest range, because the super plasma torrent that can destroy the world is right by their side, staring at it!
