48 The Wolf Holds Back (1/2)
After a few hours of reminiscing, it was finally Inoue's turn to take watch and I immediately slept after a few minutes of closing my eyes.
Whenever I'm outside the confines of Konoha, I always sleep lightly. That is why when Mia arrived quietly and entered my shadow from Mount Tsuki, I was immediately woken up.
When I opened my eyes, I can see that it was Shiroe's turn to keep watch but he is sleeping peacefully in his place. I then immediately checked my surroundings if everything is okay and I spotted that Kaori is missing.
\”Everybody wake up!\” I said in a rushed voice.
Inoue and the rest of them immediately woke up except for Shiroe.
\”What is it?\” Inoue asked.
\”Kaori is missing, be ready for anything.\” I said.
Inoue then immediately went to Shiroe and smacked his head to oblivion. Shiroe then woke up startled but was unable to shout because Inoue covered his mouth.
\”What are you doing sleeping at your designated time to keep watch! What if something happened while you were sleeping! Kaori is missing. Do you know anything that might have happened.\” Inoue whispered immediately. She then released her hand from his mouth.
\”I'm sorry, she said that she will keep watch for me and told me to sleep.\” He said.
Inoue just 'Tsked' in annoyance and decided to reprimand her student later.
I then flashed from my spot when I immediately heard something rustling from the bushes.
\”Kyahhhh!\” A girly scream resonated from my ears and when I looked at the culprit, it was none other than Kaori.
\”Hime!\” Ken shouted.
\”Where were you, Kaori Hime?\” Inoue asked when she knew that it wasn't an enemy.
\”I just went to the nearby stream to get some water.\” She said as she pointed at the direction of the stream nearby.
\”Can you release me now Daisuke.\” She said as she tapped my arms that were locked at her neck with my other arm with pointed nails were pointing at the side of her neck.
I then released her from the chokehold that I loosened as soon as I realized that it was her.
When we finally realized that there was nothing dangerous around us, I immediately relaxed my body.
\”You shouldn't have left without anyone of us knowing Hime.\” I said.
\”I just wanted to get some water.\” She said while I massaged my temples.
'Why didn't I heard her getting up. I might have mistaken her for Shiroe since the direction they've slept was in the same direction.' I thought.
\”No Daisuke, it wasn't her fault. If this BAKA didn't sleep on his watch, we wouldn't have this conversation.\” Inoue said while giving Shiroe a hard slap behind his head.
After reprimanding Shiroe and Kaori for another minute.
\”Mia has already arrived that's why I woke up.\” I said while Inoue and the others especially Ken and Kaori tensed from their spot.
I then summoned Mia from my shadow.
\”Good morning Daisuke Dono. I just got the message from your Hokage and traveled through Mount Tsuki and Elder Leah summoned me here in your location.\” Mia said.
\”Thank you, Mia. Can I see the letter now?\” I said while Mia grabbed a scroll from her shadow and gave it to me.
I then immediately gave the scroll to Inoue since she is the Highest-ranking officer among us.
\”Due to the changes that have occurred during your mission, I assign you, Yamanaka Inoue, to continue the mission and rendezvous with a team of Anbu along the way to the Land of Valley at the Bridge of Ghost. This mission will be a Ranked A Mission. Be safe!\” Inoue announced the content of the letter.
\”So we'll continue the mission Inoue Sensei?\” Nemu asked.
\”Yes, but we'll need to be careful. We'll leave in 30 minutes. Pack up everything that you need and always stay vigilant on our way.\” Inoue said.
After 30 minutes, we then went on our way to the Bridge of Ghost.
We mainly traveled through the jungle for cover if ever the enemy wants to ambush us on our way to the Land of Valley.