25 The Wolf Graduates (1/2)
When Hana came back home with Carrot, her 3 nin dog, The Haimaru Brothers and Yuki who went straight to the Inuzuka Kennels to help Hana. They were surprised to see a majestic dog much larger than Kuromaru.
Hana's eyes shined and turned to stars while the 3 Haimaru Brothers whined in fear and Carrot didn't care and went straight for me.
For the past few months, Carrot has been getting bigger and bigger. Small horns are also sprouting from her forehead and she wasn't used to it yet that's why she's usually at the house or with Hana at the Kennels.
”Dais oniichan!” She said while she tackled me and munch on my ears.
”Hello Carrot. How are you feeling today.” I said.
”I'm fine now Dais oniichan.” She said.
After being together with Carrot for the past few years I was able to change her sama to an oniichan. Since I don't like being too formal with my friends and family.
”I'm surprised to see a Wolpertinger here Daisuke. Is she your previous partner?” Lycan said.
”The big dog talked!” Yuki yelled.
”Impudence i'm a great Direwolf not a dog.” Lycan said while Yuki apologized by bowing her head multiple times.
”What's that about Carrot being a Wolf-yer-finger, Lycan? Whats that?” I asked.
”Wolpertinger Daisuke. They are a long lost and endangered summon animal clan. In a few years this little Rabbit will grow larger and by that time she'll be capable of speech. The Wolpertinger has been our allies back in the days when they were still around. That's why I am shocked to see one here. Plus it's experiencing her transition Daisuke. If she can't absorb the proper amount of Nature Chakra in this world Daisuke she will die.” Lycan said.
”Wait what? How? Why?” I asked while everyone in the room was shocked and terrified.
”Well Daisuke, Wolpertinger, when transitioning from a child to their teenage years, transforms from a rabbit to a humanoid rabbit with deer like horns. They're an extinct clan because of their Humanoid appearance. Back in the days rich people fancied Wolpertinger as slaves and the humans hunted them for money.” Lycan said.
I gritted my teeth from what he said. 'Slaves?! If someone tries to harm or capture Carrot I'll burn their family and their clan to the deepest part of hell.' I thought.
”Well it looks like she has survived this long because she was trained physically, also she seems to have linked with your Chakra Daisuke. That is why she's surviving, but just barely.” He said.
”What should we do Lycan dono?” This time Hana asked.
”Well I can bring her back to the Mount Tsuki so she can absorb Nature Chakra from our Mountain. Also because you are linked by chakra Daisuke, if you want summon her you just need to visualize her chakra signature. For the past few years I know that you're already familiar with each other's Chakra.” He said.
I nodded and agreed to his proposal. I then turned to Carrot and said.
”Carrot, this is Lycan, you can also call him Lycan Oniichan okay. He's my friend. I need you to come with him to train and become stronger like we usually do.” I said to her.
”But Dais oniichan can train me. Why does Lycan oniichan be the one to do that?” She asked.
”Well he'll be able to teach you how to speak. After that if you're able to speak, Hana and everyone else will be able to understand you, ain't that great?”
Carrot nodded when i finished.
”After you're able to speak, you just need to tell Lycan Oniichan and he'll bring you back.” I smiled sincerely. ”Deal?”
”Deal Dais Oniichan!” She said.
I then looked back at Lycan and said. ”I leave her in your care Lycan. Please protect her.”
”I promise Daisuke. You have my word.” He answered.
After that carrot made her goodbye to everyone else. Hana and Yuki have tears falling down on her cheeks while Kuromaru told her to be safe.
During the 8 years that I've been alive in this world Kuromaru, Carrot and I have been together the longest.
They have played with me, trained with me, and joked with me, when I was alone in the compound without any friends.
Now with Carrot leaving, Kuromaru is having a hard time because they're like brother and sister. Even if one is a dog, one is a rabbit and I'm human, i think, there's a bond that can't be broken between the 3 of us.
After Carrot said her last good bye to everyone, Lycan then carried her in his back and went back to Mount Tsuki.
Few days later, Inside the Ninja Academy, Iruka Sensei stood in front and announced something for the class.
”I have an Announcement to make so listen everyone.” Iruka Sensei yelled.
”Inuzuka Daisuke, because of your outstanding performance for this past few months which hasn't been seen since Uchiha Itachi, the Sandaime said that you'll be allowed to take an early examination for Graduation.” He said.
”Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Almost everyone in the classroom said.