Chapter 253 - 243: Re-Visiting The Origin Tree! (1/2)
(A/N) Lemon scene incoming for reaching 6k collections! Thank you guys for your support! You guys have been warned, and don't forget to drop a power stone and a comment below!
Year 779. A very auspicious year.
The year kicked off with Gohan's and Videl's daughter being born in May, aptly named Pan! Taking the same name not only from the GT series, but also Xeno Pan who was also the same daughter, except from a different timeline, the same timeline Xeno Trunks and the others are from! Don't get them confused with Future Trunks though, as Future Trunks hails from another different timeline separate from those guys.
Due to the birth of another life, a grand celebration was held at Capsule Corporation. Bulma quickly received notice and didn't hesitate to inform her sister, Tights. As Tights was Nao's lover, he in turn became notified of the occasion, and he and his family were invited to the feast. Among the girls, only Miya and Isabella decided to join Nao and Tights.
Little did they know that Bulma was a secret admirer of the galaxy shows she managed to get a hold of thanks to 'persuading' Jaco during his visits to Earth. She quickly became a fangirl of Isabella. She only came to recently know of her live shows, and ended up getting a signed autograph from her. All in all it was an amazing feast but Bulma wouldn't stop pestering Isabella. However, Isabella was much used to that lifestyle though, since her fans were well past the trillions since her influence was spread not only among Universe 7, but secretly to the gods of the other Universes!
A few more months passed idly after that, of which the advent of Frieza was due to make his resurrection. It was during this time the true Goku and Vegeta showed off Super Saiyan Blue for the first time. Frieza even decided to enter a training period for the first time in his life, and his result resulted in his 'Golden Frieza' form, a power that matched the power of the gods.
It wasn't until after this even that Champa would invite himself over to Planet Beerus, which was a destined meeting that would soon determine the fate of not only Universe 7, but the rest of the 11 Universes!
But that's getting a bit out of hand, isn't it? Why don't we rewind time a bit, to a more special occasion. One that occurred right at the end of Year 778, and more specifically, on Christmas Day. That's right, this world also celebrated its holidays!
Nao and the girls started to celebrate Christmas day at the very least. Out of the known holidays, it was said that Christmas day was the most romantic one. Nao had no clue whether Valentine's day existed here, but Christmas did at least.
And this one was indeed a very special occasion this year! The reason for that was Chronoa actually took the initiative after revealing her plan to Elsa and the others. Her plan warmed their hearts greatly, and they agreed to let her have Nao for the day.
Fie would also be included, as Chronoa had a specific destination in mind. The girls also wanted to go but they knew Chronoa wanted to be alone with Nao and Fie. They would be heading off to Chronoa's and Fie's birthplace, a place restricted to all mortals unless there was an exception like Nao's daughter Kassi, who was Shin's lover. The Sacred Planet of the Kais!
It would be at this place that Chronoa would offer herself completely to Nao, and lose her innocence! Yet little did Chronoa know Nao also had something in mind after they arrived at this planet. That would be to restore the Origin Tree back to its lively state!
Year 778, Sacred World of the Kais, December 25th, Christmas Day.
A very green planet which had a moon very close to its orbit be seen regardless of it being day or night here. Most of the planet consisted of very green lush grasslands filled with exotic plants, animals, trees, shrubs, you name it. Sparse mountain plateaus could be seen every so often, with very dense ice caps in the far north. A very very huge, ancient forest stood in its center. And at the very center of this forest was the Origin Tree!
At this very moment, the Origin Tree seemed to be void of life. Dead, snapped branches could be seen littered all around as trees were either snapped in half or falling apart, leaning on their sides. The massive oak tree in the center barely h any green leaves left, and most of its roots were now rotten and hollow. It's size was hundreds of times greater than that of Planet Elosyia's oak tree that rested beneath the royal family's palace.
There were no traces of burn marks, scars of battle, or anything of the life. The whole place just seemed dead.
It didn't take long before three figures appeared on the Sacred World of the Kais. These three were Nao, Chronoa and Fie!
Once their figures materialized, it didn't take Nao long to notice something was wrong on the planet. He couldn't sense Shin or Kassi either, so he assumed they were off-planet at the moment. He couldn't help but utter, drawing the two's attention to him.
”Why does this place feel so dead...It's not just me who is feeling this, right?”, Nao said with worry.
A worried look also appeared in Chronoa's eyes while Fie frowned. They could obviously tell something was going on here.
”Oh no, I didn't think it would get this bad since the last time I came to this place...”, Chronoa said worriedly.
”You know something? It definitely wasn't like this when I came here with Kassi to visit Shin during our down time.”
”I put it simply, while our home may seem vibrant on the outside, it's been on its last breath for quite a while. I should have paid more frequent visits here, damn it!”, Chronoa said, actually letting a curse which surprised Nao.
Chronoa even walked up to him and held his hand with hers. Due to their difference on height it was similar to that of a child holding onto their parent's hand. But this was different as Chronoa was his lover. As for Nao, he could feel her quivering a bit. Fie also felt this too.
Nao decided to bring her close into an embrace, and she didn't refuse. Fie approached from behind and hugged her from the back. Nao even rubbed her hair to calm her down, which did have an effect, resulting in Chronoa smiling back at him.
Nao then took this time to speak out to her as the three enjoyed the warmth spreading around their bodies.
”I do not know what caused this change, whether it was just from old age spanning millions of years, or if Fu had something to do with it. Fie, you saw him near the Origin Tree didn't you?”
Hearing Nao say that, Fie nodded in confirmation.
”I sure did, Papa! He had a tight nit barrier around him so I couldn't see what he was doing. But that bad man spotted me immediately when I arrived, so I quickly flew back towards you, and you should know what happened after that.”
”So that was indeed the case...Well, thankfully we do have a means to save it. Are you willing, Chronoa?”
Hearing that was music to Chronoa's ears. A glint streaked across her eyes as if she knew what Nao was saying.
”That's right! You've still got the Universe Seed don't you?”
”I do. Guess it was a blessing in disguise since I didn't need to use it to get rid of the Universe Tree. It still his all that pure energy from all twelve Universes, let alone ours. It should be plenty to revitalize the Origin Tree.”
”Excellent! To be honest the reason why I brought you two here was so the three of us can enjoy our special night here on our home planet and have you do me, Nao. Yet I wasn't expecting something like this to happen so soon, but revitalizing our birth tree mustn't be pushed back any longer. Heck if it returns to normal I'll even let you do me right underneath the tree! But seriously, I really want to smack Shin right now for not notifying me of this. Maybe your daughter is a bad influence on him.”, Chronoa said as a bit of anger streaked a cross her eyes.
She even turned her head away a bit, but that only caused Nao to laugh.
”Hahaha! Well can't blame you there. Kassi has quite the mouth despite her beauty. She definitely didn't inherent that from Tights, so it must of come from Tights' parents. She should be keeping Shin on his toes at least though. But for now we should hurry. Let's go!”, Nao yelled out.
”Yeah!”, Chronoa nodded happily.
”Okay, Papa!”, Fie also said with a smile.
Acknowledging him, the three activated their ki, and flew up and onward toward the center of the planet. The forest that housed the Origin Tree.
It didn't take them long to reach it, and it really obvious to spot. All around them they only saw dead greenery. Chronoa's heart began to pitter patter in pain seeing this. She tightly held onto Nao's hand, not wanting to let go.
”How terrible...Is this really our planet's fate? Dying away in silence?”, Chronoa couldn't help but utter.
Yet Nao didn't respond to her. They only stopped at the periphery for a moment, but still flew on in. More close they got to the massive tree the more the stench death grew. They really could tell it was on its last breath.
More moments passed as they quickly navigated through it, before reaching the base of the trunk. Many snapping sounds of branches and dead shrubbery echoed around them as they landed. The three were then distracted by a sole glint further up. A lone red apple suddenly fell down, causing Chronoa to unconsciously catch it.