Chapter 16 The Truth 2 (1/1)

Black cat sighed and said ” It's not a secret after you saw that ,he can absorb all that power himself withoutany external help do you not get it ,Infact even I got surprised to know that fact he can survive that .”

”It's not that confidential anymore squirrel ,if you browse his information ,you see his parents died in a accident where we found that material ,all everyone except him and his sister were found dead ,those two are the only one who survived that energy radiations ,from the past 3 years we didn't notice this matter and started expermenting on different members ” said black cat

” Then it's possible that energy from that caused both of their bodies to mutate and then it took 3 years to adapt that energy to their bodies ” exclaimed squirrel.

Then Black Cat berated him saying that ” When i say listen completely then form your analysis stupid ” and continued ” when rescue team found them they found that his sister was in his embrace and he protected her like a sheild from all the debris ”

” Then what do you mean to say that only his body undergone mutation and he doesn't know about it ” said squirrel.

” Yes, that's right ,to confirm this i put him to complete that foundation course improving his body to test the theory of mine ,but you see we missed an element in this to acheive such result he has to have a encouragement apart from his sister who can give him that emotional push to go against anything So , I made that accident possible literally he saved his sister after pushing her out of the truck's way but I cannot afford to lose a quality experiment material ,So I gently grazed her head against the street water hose .” Said Black Cat

” This made him believed that he caused his sister's accident and all that picking her from hospital and michael , jhon all of them are my plan see it worked perfectly ,and still he doesn't know and he has to cooperate with us to save his little sister .”Said Black Cat with an insane chuckle .

Squirrel sighed and said ” okay ,your plan worked properly and he could tap in to that power will you really save his sister as you promised ?”

” Wellyou see hs sister is really cute and he has gotten stronger if he pass that experiment then i'll keep him under my command so that i gain a powerful helper of my own faction ,I am not that stupid to lose a gem ” said Black Cat

” Enough with this talk , whether i'll cure his sister or not that doesn'g have to do anything with you so go and do your work properly and never leak the information of this anywhere squirrel” said Black Cat

” well if want i don't want to cure his sister but he needs more motivation for final test. Alas ,what can i do this is really a tough situation ” sighed black cat and called Jhon & Michael tk say that cathy need to be cured with in 15 days .

Without knowing this Jake happily waited for his sister to get cured and his strength also elevated he is imagining what he needed to do to secure his sister future after all this mess cleared ,then he heard somebodh knocked his door he gone to open it and he found there none other than Black Cat

he welcomed her in and asked information when his sister is getting well ,to that Black Cat said ”she'll be cured in maximum 20 days ,then i will take you there to see your sister .”

” But for now just follow me ”said Black Cat and startedgoing out. She took Jake to a wide area which is like a stadium and said ” now your training begins ,you have to control that power to pass third test and then she vanished only he saw a blur and next thing he flown over a ten meters and smashed on to ground heavily”

Jake didn't get anything what is going on here but they started sparring ,well it seemed like she is thrashiing him and beatinh him black and blue and left him only energy so he could crawl to his bedroom. This continued for days only after beaten continuos for a while his insticts has grown stronger and sharper now he can block 3 out of 10 punches from her as the days passed on his fighting got better and better he got no techniques but his experience while fighting growing .like that 20 days passed ,for every 10 days he needed to take the FLUID OF ATLANTIS same quantity but rich in concentration and quality and the day has finally came ,he can finally see his siste