Chapter 176 - Picnic in the amus.e.m.e.nt park (1/2)

In the backstage, when Shu Ren came from the stage the three of them were waiting for her.

”Can you tell, what was happening there?” Yuerui asked her.

”Ahh… I am really sorry, Mai Yuerui. Actually, when I inserted my pendrive in the laptop your antivirus deleted all my files. I didn't know what to do. So… So… and... and it was my turn. Then I saw your file on the desktop and… and I didn't have any other options. I am so sorry…” all of a sudden she started to cry like a baby, making Yuerui perplexed.

”This conference was very important to me. I didn't wanna lose it.” She added.

”Why your rich daddy can't afford to give a job to you?” Ning tan spitted out the words out of anger.

She was so angry that she wanted to scratch her pretty face.

”I am really sorry. But I didn't find any other way then” Shu Ren tried to be pitiful.

She grabbed Yuerui's hands and tried to apologize to her.

”Please forgive me, Yuerui.”

”You shouldn't have done that.” Suddenly Yefang said with an angry voice.

Shu Ren glanced at him for a second then looked back to Yuerui and said, ”If you are unhappy, then I am going and cutting my name from the participants' list.”

When she was about to go she got a phone call. And after attending the call she burst into tears.

”My Dad's got into an accident. He is in the hospital. What should I do? What would he react when he heard I removed my name from the list.” She sat on the floor and started to cry.

Yuerui felt pity for her.

”It's alright. You should hurry and go to the hospital. Your dad needs you.”

”But… the name?” Shu Ren said while sobbing.

”It's alright. I will manage my project. You don't have to remove your name. now go, hurry.”

Yang Zi, Ning Tan, and Yefang were speechless.

”What are you saying? How will you manage? You will be called in a couple of hours. How will you manage it in time?” Ning Tan asked.

”Don't worry Tantan. I had some other ideas which I didn't use in my project. Now they will come handy.” Yuerui said.

Since the victim was not accusing the culprit then what can others do?

So they didn't say anything to her.

In addition to the lunch break, Yuerui got more than 2 hours to do her job. And in the end, she was able to complete her project in just a few minutes before her number.

After having a quick check she went to deliver her presentation.

It was her luck or her knowledge nobody knows, but she actually delivered a good presentation, and the professors and the guests praised her.

And she obtained third place.

Shu Ren was in the first place, Ning Tan was 5th and Yang Zi was 8th.

Unknown to her one of the guests was Lin Zongguan who was pretty impressed with her.

When the students were given the certificates, Zongguan looked at the person in black leather jacket who just joined him and said, ”Young master Kong, that girl did a great job. It's unfortunate that she didn't get first place.” He said pointing at Yuerui.

”You hardly praise anyone, Mr. Lin.” The person removed his sunglasses exposing his golden cat-like eyes.

When he looked at her he gave a soft smirk.

”Ah... did you finished your paperwork?” Zongguan asked him.

The person nodded in reply.

”Then let's go. Your flight to England is the day after tomorrow. The paperwork for your admission for your master's degree will be done by that time.” Zongguan said.

Kong Xianwang put on his glasses again and left the conference room.


It's been a while since the conference. Everything is doing great. She goes to classes, hangs out with her friends most importantly she is very happy with Yefang. Her friends always tease her of her being always lovey-dovey with Yefang. But overlooks it and becomes even more lovey-dovey when they tease her.

After the conference incident, Yuerui had started to talk less with Shu Ren mostly because her friends forbid her to be so nice to everyone. She still talked one or two times with her but in her heart, she didn't have any resentment towards her.

Yuerui and her gang made a plan to go for a picnic at the weekend. So the night before the picnic, Yuerui and her two friends were preparing for the picnic. They were hearing music and packing necessary stuff for the next day.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Yang Zi and Ning Tan were too lazy to get up. So Yuerui went to open her door.

Yang Zi and Ning Tan were gossiping. But suddenly they got startled as they heard Yuerui screaming.

They ran towards her but there was no one at the door.