Chapter 252 The University 2 (1/2)

That would be very difficult to happen in Jake's opinion, first because his teammates would all be talented players and people who would have confidence in playing in the NBA if they made the most effort.

It could be different for other universities, but at UNC things would be like this after all this was the university that had the basketball team Michael Jordan played and has one of the teams that won the most NCAA tournament.

Jake remembered that many times this team had many players in the NBA draft, few universities were like that across the country, Jake chose this university even though he knew it would compete with the position on the team because he wanted to get this big university to have several. titles in a few years.

Jake had confidence that he had the ability to do that, even if in the first year it was harder next year would be easier, it was important for Jake to earn the confidence of the current team coach Dean Smith.

Maybe only Jake knew in the team that this was Coach Smith's last year on the team, so he wanted to earn his trust this year because as he already had the confidence of the future team coach Coach Guthridge would be easier for him to receive. an opportunity in the team.

Another problem for Jake to adapt to and befriend his teammates was jealousy, after all, he was the only player on the team who would be sponsored by this team, even if he was a Freshman and many of the more experienced players would think they deserved more than him.

Of course, everyone would know that Jake only got this exception by winning a major marathon and a gold medal in the Olympics, yet it was impossible that they would not be jealous and unfair about the difference in treatment.

This was something Jake would have to try to solve during the first few weeks of training, after all, it was important to have a good harmony with the team, maybe Coach Smith would leave Jake out of the team just to keep the team together.

After thinking about it for a while Jake began to feel more hungry and remembered that he told his mother that he would look for a place to eat while he thought about going out to look for food two people entered the room.

These two people seemed surprised to see Jake too, so the taller of the two began to laugh and closed the door after pushing the shorter one into the room.

”You must be our roommate this first year, my name is Zack and this short one here is William, let's share this room here the first year with one we don't know yet.”

”Don't call me shorty, you guys who are very tall and introduce us correctly, I'm sorry friend, my name is William Thompson and this ignorant is named Zack Roberts, nice to meet you.”

”Nice to meet you too, my name is Jake Smith, I'll be counting on you for years to come.”

”I don't know why presenting the full name, this is no business meeting, so we'll all be calling each other by the first name, right Jake?”

”I guess so.”

”Did you see that? I'll get along better with him. ”

”Don't give him a lot of room, Jake, Zack is too nosy, we met a few days ago and he wants to drag me everywhere now, who sees us thinks we've known each other for several years.”

Jake was surprised by what William said, he also thought that the two people who were so close should be friends for several years, but it looks like Zack has a lot of social skills.

Jake was also very happy about that, he wanted to get a new friend at this university as he was no longer with Joseph for years to come, but he was always bad for making friends.

Now he had 3 people living in the same dormitory as him, and one of those 3 was very sociable, Jake felt that if he became friends with Zack he could get a lot more friends in his college days if he had his 3 roommates as friends he would be very pleased already.

”So Jake, did you look like you were going somewhere? Where are you going?”

”Saw? You gave him the freedom and he's already being nosy, what do you care where he was going, Zack?”

”I just wanted to help, I came a few months ago to get to know the university campus and the city better, so why you complain that I take you everywhere, William is because you don't know how to go anywhere alone.”

Jake saw that William was embarrassed after what Zack said, so it seemed to be true that Zack knows a lot about the city.

”I just arrived and I really don't know anything, so I would go out looking for a place to eat before it was too late.”