Chapter 194 A Risky Investment That Will Make It Right 8 (1/2)

So in the week Jake continued his racing training, yet he could not do the 50km of training by taking the 4 seconds per km, but as soon as he could, he could consider himself ready for the marathon.

After a few days, Jake was still in doubt as he could get the Triple Double and makeover 135 points in the next game while he was thinking about that Mark had the solution and came to talk to him.

”Jake, I heard you have a hard time thinking about how to get Triple Double and make the necessary points, you know very well what you need to do, you do not have to have any regard for me.”

”I do not know what you're talking about Mark, I consider you all, but I'm not doing anything special to you.”

”It's okay, everyone on the team knows you are like that, I also think as a captain it's cool that you consider the well-being of all your teammates, but in this game, you have to be selfish if you want to achieve that record.”

Mark was right, actually long ago Jake was being considered with Mark, but he thought his teammates had not realized this since Jake got over 1.85 m with his many training games it was obvious that he could always dispute and even win Mark's rebound.

But Mark always helped a lot with the rebounds in several games that the team needed, and when it was Jake who missed the shots outside or mid-range Mark was the one who helped the team not to lose any attack.

In addition, Jake trained a while with Mark and learned the Center's position with him, so just to further improve his achievements he did not think he needed to dispute the rebounds with Mark.

But in this game, Jake needed an easier triple-double in which he scored several points, so even though it was not easy he could be like that without needing 10 assists in the game and could attack in all the plays.

This was possible because Mark and Carter shared almost all of the team's defensive and offensive rebounds, and yet Mark had a medley of more than 9 rebounds per game, Carter averaged 5 rebounds per game.

”Okay then Mark, thanks so much for this, but only for this game, then we'll get back to normal.”

So Jake was quieter after resolving this, he would not make the 10 assists and would try to score in all attacks if Jake could count on the luck he could even miss fewer shots from outside and less mid-range shots as well.

But Jake learned that luck has no fundamental performance when doing more than 20 shots per game, otherwise it would be obvious that Jake had something different in every game, but at least in this game he wanted his luck to help more points.

While Jake was doing his training for the game Emily called him saying that he needed to talk to him about something important, so Jake was excited to think that Emily had managed to find who he was looking for.

They met as always in a separate restaurant because these deals were still a secret from Eva, when Jake got there they greeted each other, but the subject was not what Jake expected.

”Hi Jake, I'm sorry to call you urgently while you were busy training, but I needed to talk to you.”

”No problem, so you managed to find who I was looking for?”

”Unfortunately not yet, but in a few weeks I will have this information for you, the subject has to do with my father and other businessmen.”

So Jake was disappointed in this, he was anxious to do business with Jeff Bezos, it was like Jake thought that the longer it took him the more chance of going it wrong was, while Jeff had not yet sold stock Jake knew he could convince him.

”You do not need to be so sad so I think something good for you, I always tell my father about working for you, but whenever we talk to the businessmen who are my father's friends we speak that I work in a company the which is true.”

”So I told you that you had made an investment and had a return of several times the amount invested, so all of them were interested in investing in a technology company, but were afraid of losing a lot of money.”

”But they did not want to go into big investment companies for fear of being cheated, so knowing that I whom they knew worked in an investment company was working with investments they wanted to invest in the company.”

”But as the company is practically your investments I wanted to know what you think of it.”

This was really unexpected for Jake, he just created this company to take care of his own investments, after all, he was a minor and the values ​​were high for a common business, so a company could help Jake better control his investments and pay taxes.

But he never really expected the company to receive investments from other people, even when he suggested that Matthew, Oliver, Clara, and Tiffany make the investments, either they could do it on their own or find a really specialized company.