Chapter 152 The National High School Championship 9 (1/2)

Jake walked past a music store and saw on a poster the photo of that singer he had met a long time ago when he went to do the Tiffany and Clara companies commercial for television.

The name of the singer was Kate if he did not remember evil after he met her that day Jake even tried to look for some new thing she had done, but after a few months still had nothing then Jake thought she would not do success.

But now after almost a year he saw that her new work had been released, and it looked like she was a very popular singer now, Jake did not remember her so he knew she would not have much success in the internet era.

But in his past life, Jake was someone who did not like music and did not care too much about the artists who were successful or not, so he did not know if that singer Kate was very successful at that time in her past life.

But from what he could see at least now she was a popular singer, so Jake bought what was being sold to listen to when he was time, after all, he had promised that he would buy.

After a few more days came the day of the semi-final game, Jake woke up earlier than Eve that day, but he stayed in the room while thinking about some things.

Jake was thinking about all the difficulties he went through before he could get to that game, almost two years off the team and uncertainty if he would still be in Elite school, Jake continued by his friend and because he knew it would be difficult to start all new in another team.

Now his effort had been rewarded, he was in the semifinal of the national high school championship and was still playing with the same teammates, so Jake was pleased to have stayed in Elite school.

After a while putting her head in place Jake came down to eat at her breakfast, Eve had already prepared everything as always, seeing this Jake was happy and wondering if she still had time to do this after the restaurant opened.

After eating Jake was still long before the game and so he sat waiting for the time to pass, seeing that Jake was a little distracted today Eva spoke with him.

”Are you okay today, son?”

”I am, just thinking about some things before the game.”

”You think you're going to win this game?”

”I think so if everyone plays like it's always going to be all right, I still want you to watch the next game.”

After talking to his mother a little Jake saw that was a bit strange, so while he went to the place of the game he tried to regain his usual calm, after all, he was the captain of the team if his teammates think he was very worried they might get nervous too.

When Jake arrived everyone was already preparing for the game, Jake saw that Mark and Carter looked worried about this game, so Jake had already guessed what could have happened, after a few minutes the two teams were on the court ready for the start of the game.

The opposing team for this game was the Foxes team, they had 3 players that could cause many problems for the Elite team, the SG the PF and the Center, the SG was called Elijah, Elijah was a player who was almost the same height that Jake.

The style of play he had was similar to David, but Elijah did not have many skills in the shot from outside, so he could cause many problems with David's fragile defense, the PF of the opposing team was called Mason and was very good at attacking and also in defense.

The Center was called Jackson and just as Mason was good both in attack and defense, Jake saw in the report about them that with both on defense the team hardly took any inside scoring, only with mid-range moves and with shots from outside it was possible to make points on them.

Coach Mike asked that Jake not try to force any individual play and do layups and dunk in that game, much less try to do the Alley-oop with Mark as in previous games, Jake understood the coach and said he would not overdo it.

Although Jake wanted some challenges to increase his abilities he understood that this game was difficult, he could not rely very much on the attacks of Mark and Carter and even Harrison was more restricted not being able to do the inside scoring.

The game soon began and Jackson won the first possession of the ball for the Foxes team, the ball was passed to the PG of the Foxes team, PG reached the three-point line and passed the ball to Elijah.