Chapter 86 An Animated Party 1 (1/2)

After leaving the mall Jake and Eva had to return home as a car would be sent there to get the two for Clara.

After getting into the business car it was very beautiful they went to the hotel where the party would be held.

As it was a party where the guests were mostly busy people, the place chosen was a 5-star hotel that was in a better location in Miami.

As it was Clara and Tiffany who chose the hotel together, they chose one that had a large ballroom where they could perform the dances and also the dinner, in addition, the ballroom was also near a beautiful field and pool where the cocktail party could be held.

The songs that were played were suitable for dancing at a slow pace, yet it happened several times that these celebratory dinners passed without anyone having the courage to perform for dancing.

Only those closest to the companies would be at the dinner tables, the other guests would just get some snacks and go get a drink by the pool.

Clara had reserved a table next to hers for Jake and Eva so they would not have doubts about what to do.

As soon as Jake and Eva arrived many people turned to look, although Jake was wearing a simpler suit matched well with it, for a more handsome man with Jake was even a simple suit it brought some elegance.

But who most caught the eye in this situation in this situation was Eva, Jake chose for her one of the best dresses in the store and also she had taken very good care of her skin and hair in the SPA and beauty salon, as Eve was too beautiful, to begin with, and so drew more attention.

As they did not recognize Eve and Jake's people began to divert attention when they realized that the place where they sat as close to where the closest Clara and Tiffany were.

After settling at the table, Jake and Eve stood to greet Clara and Tiffany who were sitting at the same table, along with them was an older man who seemed to be about the age of Matthew who was also sitting at another table.

”Jake thank you so much for coming to our party, it's a very important day for me and I'm glad to see you here, and Eva too, you look very beautiful today, I think you could dress more like this,”

Clara said with a smile.

”Thank you, Clara, you look very beautiful today, Tiffany is beautiful too, congratulations to the success of your company,” Eva replied happily.

”Congratulations, I think my mother should dress more like that,” Jake told Clara and Tiffany.

”It was thanks to you also Jake that the company can grow fast so its appearance helped a lot to develop the market of our companies in Miami.”

”That may be so, but if you did not have a good product and a good preparation for increased sales none of this would have happened.”

So the two greeted each other and praised as they were always done on occasions like this, the difference here was that the compliments were sincere and heartfelt.

”Let me introduce you two to my side for you, Jake, this man here is my father who is also an investor in my company with 10 percent of her, and this other is my husband who is also an investor with 10 percent.”

Clara's father when introduced waved the mug to Jake, as he had heard that this young man was special, he had liked it, especially when he knew the good advertisements Jake had made for his daughter's company.

But Clara's husband did not even care to look at Jake's face, he simply treated as if he had not heard, after that the mood on the table was strange, Jake could see that something was happening between Clara and her husband and the father of Clara as well as Tiffany looked upon him with disapproval as if his attitude were expected.

Feeling this, Jake waved goodbye and turned to go back to his table with his mother, but before returning he decided to pass by Matthew's table that was Joseph's grandfather sitting alone at a nearby table.

”Hi, Jake boy, you did not have to come to my table to party or mine.”

”Hahaha you can only be kidding, it's normal for us to say hello to friends.”