Chapter 50 Sponsorship 1 (1/2)
As soon as Jake went home he found his mother who was in the kitchen preening dinner, he stayed in the kitchen for a while looking and his mother had not noticed him because he was concentrating on the kitchen, she was struggling harder after seeing that Jake was getting better at his cooking.
In fact, Jake was not really improving, he was just slowly cooking the way he did in his past life, after all, Jake cooked better than some restaurant chefs if they were just ordinary food without much sophistication, but for Eva, he was improving fast.
Jake thought Eva was just proud and was being competitive, so he wanted to wait a while and teach her the things he knew or pay a cooking course for his mother, but what he had not yet realized was that his mother had a dream of having a restaurant of her own, although she did not expect that dream to come true was still a dream.
”Son you already arrived, if you were there, I should have said something, you almost scared me.”
”I saw that you were concentrating and did not want to disturb you, I'm sorry.”
”Not all right, so how was the day at your friend's house?”
”It was okay, I talked to his grandfather a bit, he was a really nice person and he told me something, I'll tell you more about it at dinner time.”
”Okay then, go take a shower and change clothes and then we'll talk over dinner.”
So Jake went to his bathroom, this news about the sponsorship Jake had to talk to his mother calmly, she should not think it was just about making a donation, because if it was so she would not accept, he had to explain that it was an exchange and that Jake could help the company with its image and its performances.
So after putting on the new outfit Jake came down the dining room and went to eat with his mother, the table was with several different things and Eva seemed to have been struggling at that dinner.
”So Jake, what did you expect to tell me until dinner?”
Eva knew her son well too, she knew it should be something important, or he would have said it all at the kitchen door, but she knew Jake was mature and would not cause problems, so she was not worried.
”Mom, what happened was I talked to Joseph's grandfather, his name is Matthew and he's a really nice person, he heard that my school team had won the regional championship and I was the captain and the MVP and that we could also win the state and said that a friend of a son of a friend of his was interested in me. ”
Jake mixed Matthew's words with the reality he knew and made the words a bit ambiguous to get Eva's attention from the point, so when he spoke on the patronage, his mother would be relieved and forget the importance of the situation, this was a technique of negotiation that Jake learned to use in his past life.
”What do you mean, she's interested in you?”
As Jake hoped Eve fell into her bait and shifted her attention from the main subject.
”She has a company that makes sportswear for young people, they must have shoes too, so she was interested in sponsoring me to promote her brand.”
”Sponsorship do you mean she's going to give you money?”
”It's almost like that, it's not her that will give me money, but her company, so I could just talk about her company in some interviews, or play in the state with some sports article that her company does, or could even make a commercial for television or a magazine wearing and talking about your brand.”
”So you mean this is not a charity and that her company is going to win something with you, too?”
”Exactly that, in addition, she may be investing in my future as a basketball player, if after a few years I get into college basketball or even in the NBA, even though I still do not wear the clothes of her brand, her company could declare that I wore while I was younger, they can earn a lot from it. ”