Chapter 464: Heartbeat (1/2)

The Last Primal Shaele 32620K 2022-07-23


Another sound wave rippled across the air, confirming the already rising suspicion, that something extraordinary was happening.

Yet, it didn't give time to residents of Haven to process what was happening, a moment later it came again.

*Thump!* *Thump!*

This time, it came with even more ferocity and an increased rhythm. Once again confirming that something momentous, something going against the very laws of the universe was going down.

A taboo, a forbidden evolution was nearing its completion.

*Thump!* *Thump!*

Once more, the rhythmic heartbeats traversed the air. As the realization hit him, Aiden could no longer stay still. His attention focused on the direction of the ziggurat in the distance, he was grinning with excitement.

”Young Master… Is it… time?” Thuk asked his gaze following his Master's.

”[Orc] Is it time to meet our newest sister?” Roas asked as well, his voice trembling, his figure shaking with the sheer joy. Another one that his master pulls to his side, another one that would now share the secrets they all knew.

Another sister, another sibling to their growing family.

”Yes, it is time.” Aiden nodded, his grin stretching his face wide.

*Thump!* *Thump!*

Just as the next round of sound waves reached them, Aiden could no longer sit still. He was about to jolt into a charge, but before that, he waved at his servants.

”Come guys, let's meet her!”

He exclaimed,  just as his figure vanished from its spot only to reappear several steps away. He was charging, rushing towards the distance, even going as far as activating his [Mystic Martial Arts] skill to further enhance his body and leaving only a blurry streak as he bolted towards his emerging Master.

It didn't take long for the group to arrive in front of the ziggurat, where the stationed guards were already standing at full attention, holding their spears in front of their bodies shakily, unsure of what they should be doing.

Suddenly, a faint golden light seeped out from the small cracks of the ziggurat's walls, as another heartbeat resonated within the air.

*Thump!* *Thump!*

The shockwave was even more powerful this time. Maybe because they were right at the center, or perhaps Number 3's evolution has reached its completion and she was now ready to break away the thick layer of protective, solidified energy-made shell, and step into the light once more.

Following the latest heartbeats, a peculiar change happened. The air itself surrounding the ziggurat has changed, causing the guards to heavily cough and to be forced to take a step back, walking out of its reach, lest they would lose their consciousness.

On the other hand, Aiden and his servants found the quality of the air to be much higher as if something new, something… familiar was now added to the mix.

Aiden only needed a single moment to realize; this air was vastly similar to that of the underground sanctum beneath the Orc Camp's tower!

”Soul Power!” He exclaimed with surprise as he felt the reinvigorating effects in his body. At the same time, his servants felt unlike ever before. The air felt cooler, even fresher than it already was… but most importantly, they felt that their dwindling used up stamina, their reserves were slowly, gradually being refilled. The daily wear and tear, the drowsiness was slowly being washed away, restoring them to their daily peak states.

*Thump!* *Thump!*

Once again, the rippling sound waves pushed even more of the underlying energies towards the surface and were transforming the area into something habitable only to those that could handle the much higher quality energy filling the air.