Chapter 448: A wild cat (1/2)

The Last Primal Shaele 31400K 2022-07-23

Although Aiden managed to quickly regain control over his emotions, the damage was already done. The previously yawning, annoyed and grunting attendant was down on the ground, shivering and pale as he tried his best not to show any sudden movement towards the boy.

Even worse, the scared, frightful look that was clear in his wide-opened eyes, his teeth were set on the edge, he was quivering, clearly overwhelmed with fear. As Aiden looked at the young adventurer, he wasn't sure of how to refer to him anymore. Was he even human? Or maybe something else? That dreadful, heavy pressure was not something a regular employee standing at the lowest in the hierarchy was trained to withstand after all.

He, and for that matter the rest of his colleagues, were just your average, powerless, fragile mortal humans after all.

As he looked up and was met with those, now oh-so terrifying-looking golden irises, he almost peed his pants, trying his best not to just scamper away to the back.

”I-i-I…. S-s-s-s-s…” He was just unable to gather the willpower and explain himself. The words just didn't formulate, his lips were unable to function, he was heavily stuttering.

Seeing his state, Aiden's anger quickly wafted away, replaced by a tint of sorrow and regret. He didn't want to act so dominantly, he didn't want to lose himself, but the circumstances and the stress throughout the day, the helplessness he felt for his Master was just too much to handle.

In a moment of fit, he erupted, his emotions were just too strong, too much to handle, he lost sight for a brief instant. Still, even that fleeting fraction of a second was enough to scare an although annoying, but still, innocent civilian to such a state.

The trauma he will now have to somehow process and overcome will be a result of his careless actions, the darker path this man would take was his fault and not some other supernatural cause.

He was this man's taint, the reason for his continued corruption. The darkness that will now take its seed and will continue to fester and rot away at his soul.

This was the thought that hurt Aiden the most as he looked at the shivering, stuttering young man with a shifting, transforming outward look on his face. From his initial anger and rage, now a wryful, sorrow-filled, regretful look.

In the end, he could only sigh, and massage his temples as he tried to diffuse the situation.

”Listen, I'm sorry for how I reacted. It's not your fault, I'm not mad at you… The day was just too much, and I need to speak with he-,” He managed to catch himself and not to expose the secret identity of Sara. If she wants to remain hidden even from his employees, who was he, to interfere?

”…- the Head Examiner to relay some critical information. Are you sure that there is no one in the office anymore?” He asked, trying his best to force a calm smile on his face, though it was clearly not natural, giving him a more eerie, slightly awkward expression.

Unfortunately, the boy was already beyond broken, at least for the time being. He kept looking fearfully at Aiden, his body language not changing, but shivering, quivering in fright under his gaze. Even worse, his speech was the same, stuttered letters, and gibberish was all he could muster.

”The person you are looking for has left a while ago, Mister.” Suddenly from the side, a young, clear feminine, melodious voice came.

Looking in its direction, his eyes were met with the second attendant on duty, a young and slim, child-looking medium-length straight blonde-haired girl who was looking at him with a surprisingly calm expression. Considering the fact that even some of the shadier-looking adventurers still present in the hall were also fearful of him, the natural calm and soothing outward appearance surprised Aiden.

Turning towards her direction, Aiden walked over whilst taking his time to scan her from top to bottom.

”Are you sure, Miss…?” Meanwhile, as not wanting to seem like a creep, he asked, hoping to get confirmation and a bit more information out from the attendant.

The woman that seemed to be somewhat of a similar age as the rest of the girls, at most in her early twenties was of average height and build. She had medium-sized, shoulder-length straight platinum blonde hair that was combed but not touched too much, letting it flow down in a natural, pure manner, covering her ears and neck from all sides but the front.