Chapter 404: Title Not Found (1/2)
(AN: Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that title… Childish I know. :D)
Real Title: Chapter 404 - End of the Visit
”[Goblin] Don't be afraid, Gob. What you said is correct, I just want you to explain how you come to this conclusion. Roas and even your elder, Glohn could also learn from it!”
His Master's words soothed the young Gob's agitated heart. Taking a loud gulp, he swallowed his nervousness, and with a meek, faint voice he spoke up.
”[Goblin] Well… I was thinking of what Teacher has explained before. Under the heavy sun, clouds would form over the lakes, and the seas only to carry their rain over the land.” He explained, her voice trembling due to all the eyes that were fixated on him. Focusing on his young master and seeing him smile and nod appreciatively, he closed his eyelids for a single second, and swallowed hard once again, before going further under his master's gentle nudging.
”[Goblin] The clouds would then travel over the village and ultimately reach the new mountains where it would crash against it and… ehrm… I don't know exactly how... But the gathered water in the clouds would fall down?”
By the end of his explanation he was almost crying under the pressure, he could only mutter the question as his gaze was now plastered on the ground, wrapping his fingers trying to battle his fired-up nerves.
Seeing his state, Aiden didn't torture him any longer. He nodded at him, his expression was warm, carrying all the appreciation he felt for this young little youth. Even though they were probably relatively close in terms of body age, there was a vast chasm between their minds.
One was a young goblin that just woke up and was slowly throwing away all the shackles that kept holding him back, whilst the other was turning out to be a rather ancient entity that lived not one, not two, but most likely three lives so far, albeit the first one was barely a toddler by the time he was tossed over the cracks between worlds.
”[Goblin] You are right. The idea was roughly what Gob has explained. Also, with this large body of water, you guys could focus more on fishing and irrigation and such, giving another venue to avert the attention of those that still held some sort of resentment towards the other side.”
Aiden explained, shifting his attention from the embarrassed ex-goblin, over to the towering elders of Glohn and Roas. They shared similar looks, mostly understanding the reasoning, though it seemed that Glohn got more than the still slightly troubled-looking Roas.
Seeing his creasing brows and wrinkled forehead, Aiden asked.
”[Orc] What is troubling you Roas? Is there something wrong?”
Hearing his master's question, Roas immediately straightened his posture and shook his head vehemently.
”[Orc] No, Young Master! Please excuse me for my faithless thoughts!”