Chapter 397: Gupta (1/2)
”[Orc] We named this village Gupta, which is a combination of the orcish Gurth (AN: meaning New Day) and the goblin Nopta (AN: roughly translates to: Hope). Combined I guess it roughly translates to 'A New Day, New Hope?'” Roas explained as they passed through the village borders.
Unlike outside there were no walls erected, at least not yet, nor were any gates marking the borders of the village's territory.
The reason? There was no need to. They were the first arrivals, the first settlers in this new plane of existence. Apart from the fishes in the nearby river and the emerging animals in the forest, there were no real threats.
The threats of raiding parties of the other, greedy races, bandits, robbers, or violent aggressors of any kind were completely non-existent. They did find traces of predators in the forest, but their habitats were not threatened, and with the sumptuous food source of the smaller mammals, they did not attack the village during nights.
”Gupta…” Aiden repeated the name, instantly growing fond of it. ”[Orc] I like it! Gupta is Haven's first settlement!” He then turned to look at the other two of his servants, walking at his sides. ”You guys are the first pioneers of this new dream of ours!”
”[Goblin] Haven? Is that the name of this world, Young Master?” Gob asked with a curious gaze. After all, the people were indeed wondering if there was a name similar to Eora, the outside world.
”[Orc] Yes, it has. Haven, as this place, will serve as the safe place for those exiled, shunned, or disdained. I may be idealistic, or even childish, but I want this place to be the sturdy, impenetrable fortress that would stand against the taint and corruption of the outside.”
Aiden explained with a warm, friendly look. Although he was passionate about this dream of his, he wasn't a complete idiot. He was aware that as more and more people will settle down in this place, eventually the same issues as the outside world would pop up.
It was inevitable after all.
However, this is where the other crucial factor that Enya informed him about would come into play. Unlike in the outside world, he indeed should have the power and authority to do something about it; he was the assigned 'administrator', with a supposedly complete set of tools.
”[Orc] Don't say that, Young Master! It is not a childish dream! We all want the same, and pledge to the same cause!”
”[Goblin] Yes, Young Master! In fact, not just us three, but everyone that already lives here can make the same promise!”
With a worried look on their faces, Roas and Glohn exclaimed, fervently thumping their chests in the process. Gob also nodded at their exclamations, also standing behind the cause wholeheartedly.
The passionate stance of his servants made Aiden give a heartfelt smile.
”[Orc] Thanks guys, I really appreciate it…”
He then looked away, trying to find something to change the subject, lest he would actually shed a tear and embarrass himself in front of his own people!
Looking at the larger, central structure, a wooden, single-floor building stood out he asked whilst pointing at it.
”[Orc] Anyway… what is that building?”