Chapter 239: The lord and his first servant (1/2)

The Last Primal Shaele 37040K 2022-07-23

When all the smoke has finally dissipated, all the dust has settled, Roas could finally take in his young master's new look in its entirety.

Sporting roughly a similar height as him, Aiden's new figure was much taller than your average goblin, or even that of humans, matching the height of the robust, usually towering orcs, albeit with a much leaner, healthier physique.

What was strange, was the extra appendages protruding roughly from Aiden's shoulder blades, and the long, thick ebony claws that all his fingers ended at. Going further up, his face retained his humanoid features, but with a much darker skin tone. His eyes growing slightly larger, those exotic golden eyes were given even more focus as the boy slowly opened his eyelids. His lush, long, black hair was retained, in fact, it turned even wilder, more unrestrained, cascading through his shoulders reaching the lower reaches of his back as well.

Roas remained wide-eyed, as he took in all the changes on the previously small goblin's body.

As he opened his eyes, Aiden felt a strange sensation. He wasn't sure how to describe it, but there was a strange, previously unknown power wreaking havoc inside him, trashing around, begging to be let out. He felt an incredible power all around his body, he was bursting with vitality. Although there were several notification sounds ringing inside his mind, for now, he decided to shelve them. He wanted to take in and experience his body, his new form first hand.

”[Orc] Roas.” Opening his mouth, he successfully startled himself as well as the aforementioned old shaman, as a deep thundering voice came from his throat, just vaguely reminiscent of his original tone. It was much closer to his draconic one but even to that, it carried significant differences.

Hearing his master's thundering, explosive call, the old man subconsciously shook his body, quickly getting on one knee, averting his eyes towards the ground as he responded respectfully.

”[Orc] Yes, my lord.”

Looking at his new, faithful first servant, the earlier power once again began to bubble in excitement inside him. Aiden wasn't sure what this feeling was, or what he was actually supposed to do, he simply went by pure instinct. Taking a step forward, he slowly approached the old man.

Raising his right hand, he gently placed it on top of his servant's bald, wrinkled head. Closing his eyes, he began to concentrate on the new power, the new type of energy inside him, guiding it towards his right palm.

Feeling his hand gradually warm up, he addressed the old man.

”[Orc] You did a good job, Roas. Please be patient just a bit more. Let me reward you by giving you a first taste of what this new body is capable of.” He spoke. Whilst he wasn't sure what this power inside him was, he felt it wasn't a harmful one, its purpose was not to cause damage, but something else entirely. From the feeling he had, it felt like he was supposed to guide towards others and let them feel it, experience it as well.

As his master's hand gradually turned warmer, Roas started to feel a strange sensation coming from the top of his head, gradually oozing all around the inner section of his body, reaching all the crevices, cleansing it with its comforting warmth.

The aching pains, the markers of the corruption of the granted demonic power soon started to fade, only to vanish in mere seconds later. The decade long pains that continued to haunt even in his dreams abruptly vanishing was something that caught the old orc by complete surprise, he was unable to respond but to turn wide-eyed once again.

What happened next, caused his surprise and shock to turn to something even greater, grander. Feeling the warmth spreading all around his body reaching even his core caused a never-before felt comfort to spread across Roas. Being bewildered he raised his hands to look at them and to confirm if he was just dreaming or this feeling was still part of reality.

However, when he saw his own hands, he didn't know what to think anymore. The baffling changes were already too much for his aged mind to process; he was glowing, he was basking in the same golden luster, the same glory that was befitting of his master!

Darting his head left to right, he confirmed that his entire body was basked in his master's golden luster. The same warmth and comfort inside him continued to heal his body and unbeknownst to the old shaman, restructured his very body to something more, something greater.

Dumbfounded, Roas raised his eyes to look at his master for some comforting words, only to see his kind, friendly smile, and closed eyes. There were no responses from him, but Roas could feel that the master was with him, he was INSIDE him, healing him.

As he was already certain that this young master would be his last lord in his remaining lifetime, Roas decided to stop his squirming and resistance, and just place his trust in this strange new being, that was his master. Taking a deep breath, Roas closed his eyes, and let the warm sensation continue to do its work inside him.

Seconds turning into minutes, Aiden wasn't sure how much time had passed before he finally felt his own raging new power calm down. Slowly releasing his gentle hold on his servant's head, he pulled his arm back and looked at the still glowing figure in front of him.

Seeing as there was some time, he finally took the time while waiting for Roas's body to settle down, to open his system back up and take a look at the slew of notifications that kept bothering him with their constant ringing. As soon as he did, he almost turned wide-eyed at the incredulity of the texts that greeted him.

[Fusion process complete, new Fused Primal body created.

Due to the active mutation and the Primal component in addition to the Human and Ancient Dragon one, the new form is entirely unique, different from the Primal Goblin Lord.