Chapter 128: Fierce Beast (1/2)
The creature that stepped forward had mostly bronze fur with dark-red spots all over it. He was about half a size bigger than the rest of the herd, with a much stronger, mightier demeanor. He was most likely their leader, their alpha.
With its large grey slanted eyes, it looked at the invader as if it was trying to see through him. As his eyes had no white sclera in them, it made their gaze much more terrifying to meet. It raised its right front leg into the air and stomped on the ground while releasing some air through its thin nose. It also released a very deep, low-pitched clicking sound towards Aiden.
'I guess he is warning me?' Aiden guessed the creature's intentions. Keeping his hand in the air, above his head, he took a step to the side. He was now just before the small purple patch of flowers they needed. Seeing that the creature had not taken any action, he slowly crouched down, and while still keeping his hands in the air, he pointed at the flower patch with his right hand.
Thinking back to the moment when he commanded the dogs, he tried forcing his mind to repeat that moment. Fiercely looking at the creature, he spoke.
”Back off. I only want a few pieces of this flower. There is no need for any fight, okay?”
However, there was no golden or scarlet glow in his eyes this time, nor did his voice equip the draconic undertone he was familiar with. There was no effect this time.
'Not good…' he cursed inwardly, seeing that his attempts failed. The only result he got was another fierce look and a stomp on the ground from the alpha. It gave another warning: Take another move against the flowerbed, and there will be hell to pay!
'I guess, it's inevitable at this point…' he sighed. He didn't know what he was missing, why couldn't activate this ability at will. Was it a different state of mind? Or was it controlled by his surging emotions? He didn't know, and couldn't understand it either, he could transform at will after all.
Slowly lowering his hands, he clenched his left hand into a fist, while going for the closest flower. Keeping his attention on the animal all the time, he slowly plucked it from the ground, and instantly stored the entire thing in his System's space.
As soon as the flower disappeared, it also blew the tense atmosphere up. The created lowered his head, and with another deep-toned clicking sound, it flew into a charge towards the boy. Its speed was astonishing, even for Aiden, he couldn't flicker away and had to raise his left hand in front to block the impact. Raising his hand, his skin rapidly transformed, covering his skin with the golden scales. His hand also changed taking on the traits of his draconic transformation.
In the next moment, his arms met with the surprisingly thick forehead of the creature. The power behind the impact pushed him back several steps before he could stabilize himself, startling him. For the first time in a long while, he felt pain! The power behind the creature's charge was immense, and while his scales managed to absorb some of the force, but not all, and it traversed through his bones, causing the numbing pain to spread all over.
”Woah… That was unexpected…” He exclaimed with a surprised expression as he shook his arm. Seeing the worried expression of Lily as she peaked from the bushes, Aiden released a smile towards her direction while waving with his right hand.
Meanwhile, the beast took a few steps back, increase the distance between the enemy and itself again. Stomping on the ground a few times once again, it released a deep-toned clicking sound, and went for the second attack, charging in headfirst.
'The same will not work twice, my friend!'
This time, however, Aiden was prepared. As the creature rapidly approached, he cocked his right fist behind him, gathering power and momentum. Jumping forward, his punch collided with the beast's reinforced forehead, releasing a massive sound burst and throwing both of them back several meters.
The collision released a massive shockwave alerting and scaring the local fauna. Birds of all colors and sizes escaped into the air, while small critters rushed away in panic. Lily was startled as well, falling on her butt as the force reached her. Sam and Biggy immediately jumped to action and walked in front of her, growling towards the clearing.
”Don't worry guys, I'm okay, I was just startled, I didn't expect it. You can go back to rest, brother can handle it!” She explained to them, seeing their reaction. Obeying her words, they slowly lied down, but did not go back, they stayed in front of Lily.
”You guys…” She smiled, seeing their protective action.
The creature didn't initiate the third charge immediately, as the impact did cause momentary dizziness for it as well. After a few short seconds, however, as it regained its clarity, it slowly retreated, creating the same distance once more.
Seeing that, Aiden shook his head in annoyance.
”Really? This is all you can do? It's really predictable, you will never win this way.”
Being completely prepared this time, he tightly clenched his right fist, cocking it for another powerful thrust. Gathering all of the power he had, he was intently focusing on the beast, as it prepared it third and hopefully final assault.
”Okay then, come! I am ready!” He excitedly exclaimed. Although he didn't notice it, his eyes began to faintly glow, releasing a red hue. Unbeknownst to him, the muscle mass in his right arm increased, while the golden scales revealed themselves on his skin. The excited smile contorted, transforming into a scarier, crueler almost manic expression, as he intently gazed at the creature.
Noticing this, Lily was startled. He saw these eyes last night, and afterward, he quickly got lost in his frenzy. She immediately picked up her bow and commanded to his companions.