Chapter 119: The unconscious couple (1/2)

The Last Primal Shaele 38060K 2022-07-23

”To them?” Aiden turned around and looked at the two black dogs. Both were looking at them with eager expressions, awaiting his command. ”To be honest, I'm not sure what happened either…”

”Well, they do seem to be loyal to you, boy.” Number 3 spoke with a smile behind her mask. She walked to the two hounds and patted both of their heads while crouching down, which they happily accepted.

”Look, they are already loyal! If you want, we could bring them back, after all that happened, they could come helpful in healing Lily.” She said while she continued playing with them.

”I guess… In that case, we should just bring them with us.” Aiden agreed. While Lily did put up a strong front while she faced that vile man, she did force herself. As soon as the battle was over, she broke down crying miserably.

Standing up and walking back to Aiden's side, Number 3 couldn't help but ask.

”Anyways, what happened? How did you control these war dogs? Normally this shouldn't be possible, they are trained since birth to be absolutely loyal to their master and follow every command without the slightest hesitation…” She pondered.

”Well, I do not know actually. During the battle, I felt an instinct and ordered them to protect Lily. It wasn't a conscious action on my part…” Aiden honestly answered.

Listening to the boy, Number 3 was lost in thoughts for a few seconds, thinking about what could have happened. Looking at the dogs, they didn't seem to be under any spell, or mind control. That means that somehow, Aiden naturally gained the loyalty of these dogs!

”Hmm… I will need to research this matter later…” She muttered eventually. She had a distant memory about a story she heard a long time ago that could be relevant, but before she could make any conjecture, she would have to dig into ancient texts.

”Anyway,” She shook her head and looked at the boy. ”Bring the dogs with you, and let's go. Let's get the two elders back, and leave this damned place...” Then she stepped out to the hallway. Facing the engulfing darkness at the distance, she lowly muttered, whispering her thoughts into the wind.

'The big fish have already escaped anyways…'


Two people wearing white and black faceless masks on the faces could be seen walking in the dimly lit underground hallways followed by two armored big black dogs. Ignoring the desperate wails and cries that could be heard from the seemingly countless steel doors to their left and rights, they were walking with casual but decisive steps towards their destination.

Looking at Number 3 leading the way, Aiden was quite puzzled. Looking at his map, it seemed she knew the dungeon layout perfectly and even knew where the elderly couple was held.

”How?” He asked after a while looking at his master, unable to figure out an answer.

”How what?” She asked back but continued after a momentary pause. ”How do I know where to go?” The smile on her face could be felt by her cheeky tone.

Aiden silently nodded, while he kept his gaze on his Master. His eyes flashed their golden brilliance for a moment.

”You think that I am involved in this right?” She asked again, with the same cheekiness. Seeing the golden luster flash once again in Aiden's eyes, she couldn't help herself and chuckle at his disciple. ”We didn't waste our time waiting for you and the prince. We have a pretty good understanding of this underground system now. Also, don't forget, I already know most of the underground tunnel system that goes under the ground.”

Hearing her response, Aiden managed to calm down, the golden brilliance in his eyes faded, returning to their normal state.

”Still…” Looking at the dark hallway ahead of them, he spoke with a serious voice. ”This place is very nasty. So many people are being held here. How does the city or this kingdom ignore this? There must be thousands of people held here, used, and sold for all purposes!”

”Aiden…” Number 3 sighed at his question. ”Do you really want to know? You won't like the answer.” Despite the question, and Aiden's attentive look, she didn't continue, instead, she brought up a different topic.

”What really interests me, is what happened to you? From what I've seen in the room, you were pretty vicious there. I know you have a pretty savage battle style, but still… That scene was incredibly gruesome, Aiden.”

”I…” This was a good question actually. Even for Aiden, he was actually asking the same from himself for a while now. During the first combat, as his emotions reached a critical level, he felt like he lost control over his own thoughts and his body. He wanted to see and feel the blood, he wanted to hear his enemies' desperate cries… He felt like he became a monster through and through.