Chapter 82: The angel of justice (1/2)

The Last Primal Shaele 35920K 2022-07-23

The sun had already shone its best and had started receding when Lily left the Norton's. Because of Mr. Norton's mistake, they ended up telling her what happened lately in the city.

Lately, as the taxes, you had to pay for the ruling city lord, and the nobles increased, life became harder for the everyday folk. Those that didn't have any safeguards or some sort of business could hardly even sustain themselves, not to mention their families.

As such, a lot more started looking towards unlawful means to get their coins to fill their and their families' bellies. The already established gangs saw an increase in numbers, and new ones started appearing as well. The biggest ones began spreading its claws to the other, previously safe districts, claiming it as their turfs. Invading already 'claimed' territories also became a regular occurrence with bloody fights breaking out almost every night.

While the city guard was keeping order, it was mostly for show, as some of the major gangs had ties with the nobility, giving them almost free reign.

One of the newly formed gangs, a group of youth that came from the neighborhood have broken in and robbed multiple stores in the last couple of days, including the Nortons as well. What was even worse, that later they would visit these very stores saying that they saw the unfortunate incident happening and they could offer their protection in exchange for a 'minimal' fee. If the store owners refused, they would continue to rob the place and make the store owners' life miserable, until they eventually relent.

A vicious but very effective method that so far, worked. Last night the gang broke in and cleaned out their storage, causing significant damage. They said that they have already alerted the guards, but apart from acknowledging the robbery, they did nothing to apprehend the criminal and return the stolen goods.

While Lily, when the Norton's asked her not to do anything brazen, agreed to them, she already decided to take matters into her own hands. Lily thought that if she could solve this matter and help out, besides helping the elderly couple, she would also prove her brother how awesome she became, and that she could proudly stand by her side and not be a burden anymore.

Thinking back to that fight against the old man, Lily clenched her fists and increased her pace. Bow in-hand, and hood covering her face, she was currently sneaking around the block looking for traces, and clues.

Based on what the Norton's told her, she thought that there was a big chance that the group will return tonight, break-in again, and then visit the shop tomorrow and offer them to accept their 'generous' service.

Circling around for a while, jumping from shadow to shadow, she was like a predator hunting an unsuspecting prey. She eventually found a good vantage point at the rooftop of a relatively small ground-floor building.

Keeping her bow at the ready, she was watching the poorly patched section of the shop when she heard multiple footsteps from the west.

'Heh, they really came back… Incredible..' Lily muttered as her lips curved into a smile under the cover of her hood. Pulling an arrow from her full quiver, she turned her attention to the group of youth that was approaching.

6 poorly dressed young man came with mismatched weaponry in hands. One was carrying a board that had a few nails hammered into it; another was brandishing a kitchen knife. Not your uniformed military, that's for sure. They didn't even bother covering their faces or trying to be quiet about their goal as they approached with confident steps. Lily could clearly listen to their laughter-filled discussion even without trying.

”Man, too bad that this time we are robbing those 2 old fogies, and there are no babes we could enjoy. Such a boring job especially compared to the last gig. Damn, that jewelry store owner's wife was such a treat!” One of the thugs, who kept brandishing and swinging the kitchen knife, spoke out.

”Yeah, that bitch was incredible. Damn, those tits, and how loud she screamed! Too bad, that in the end, she couldn't take it, and offed herself, it would have been so much better if we could have brought her back with the stuff we took!” Another one exclaimed.

The guy in the middle, the dude with the only relatively normal weapon, a short sword that was tied to his belt and was swaying on his right side, suddenly halted his steps, turned around and angrily spoke.

”Idiots! We lost that shop because of you guys couldn't think outside of your pants! We rob these shops, but we need to keep them under just enough pressure so they will accept the protection. What you did; caused us to lose one of the best earners in the block! The boss was furious when he learned about it! If we fuck this one up as well, we are all dead, so FUCKING BEHAVE!”

The rest of the group frowned upon his words but did not speak out. Their discontent was visible on their faces, looking at their self-proclaimed and hypocrite group-leader. He was the first that ravished the big-titted mature housewife, and now he talks like it was their fault only?! Pfft!