Chapter 33 - A bloody night (Part 2) (1/2)

The Last Primal Shaele 35780K 2022-07-23

”I have a job that needs to be done tonight. High Priority.” stated the facts curtly the young master of the Leon family.

The slid shut close, without an answer and for a few seconds, nothing could be heard from the other side of the door.

Only after a few seconds did the door suddenly opened up, and the dimly lit corridor became visible for the Young Master. The guard, whom he was just talking to, was standing to the side holding the door and nodding with his head for him to move on.

He was wearing the guild's colors, the standard black leather armor, with a black cloth face mask covering half of his face. Only his brown eyes and his bald head was visible. His muscular figure gave an ample warning to every newcomer to not try anything funny and just follow the rules set by the guild.

Nodding his head, he followed the direction set by the guard and slowly made his way through the dark corridor. This area was yet another illusion set up by the guild as a safety measure. The walls and floors are set with wards designed to pry deep into your soul and see your true intent, your real purpose. This way the higher-ups in the branch will be aware of your true intentions even before you have a chance to state it yourself. You can only cross this section if they deem you worthy of their time, and let you pass. Otherwise, you will just arrive back to the guard who will promptly let you out.

The young master obviously knew of this safety measure as well, and just calmly kept walking forward. He was sure that his intentions will raise interest in the guild's higher-ups and will let him state his business.

He was right on the money, after a short minute, he arrived at the end, where another door was waiting for him. This time, however, there were no guards, or any more tests, the wooden door, slowly creaked open, and yet another dimly lit room greeted him. At the middle, there was a large wooden desk, where 3 cloaked figure was sitting and looking at him. They all had a skull-faced mask covering their mugs.

As the Young Master walked in, the middle figure waved its hands, and the door behind him shut close. Then, while measuring the pudgy figure in front of him, it interrupted the silence.

”State your business Young Master Alfred Leon. What is the request you wish to hire our guild for?”

Gulping loudly, the young master tried calming himself down. Too much was at stake here, he had to get this task done tonight. Something about these 3 creeped him out. His usual arrogant tone was nowhere to be heard before these figures.

”I wish to hire your esteemed group, to complete a job tonight. It is a high priority and I will pay you accordingly. The job is to assassinate my father tonight in his very own villa. I have already made arrangements, and the guards will be replaced by my men, so your entry is covered.” He gave the details of the mission briefly.

The 3 figures looked at each other and nodded. Then the middle figure looked back at Alfred, and while it could not be seen, judging from the voice, a smile probably was on his face.

”I see. It can be done. The target is high profile, and with the short time frame provided for the mission, it will be categorized as 3 Stars. I'm sure you are familiar with our ranking structure.”