Chapter 26 - Hunting trip (Part 4) (1/2)

The Last Primal Shaele 36560K 2022-07-23

”Aiden, the barrier will not hold for much longer. Lily, ready yourself as well, be steady with your aim just like we practiced.” Granny gave the instructions. There were no gentle and kind smile on her face, it was all seriousness at this time. She was genuinely worried. A big group of black wolves! Why these, out of all the possibilities?

She was hoping that Aiden could handle himself, and she knew that Lily's aim was impeccable. Her magic however is not suited for combat, the runic magic she is using is an ancient art, more suited for everyday life and keeping herself and others safe and healthy.

Shaking her head to clear the distracting thoughts, she started drawing another runic symbol in the air casting another unknown spell. This time however Aiden could not watch the process, as he was already watching the 2 closest wolves crashing themselves into the barrier relentlessly. He was also keeping a close eye on the biggest one, with the torn ears and scarred eye. He was obviously the alpha of this group.

It was very interesting to see the big wolf looking around its subordinates and barking and growling at them while occasionally shaking his head. It might seem random to the untrained eye, but Aiden could tell that it was giving commands that only they could understand.

His hands were already covered in scales, his fingers now transformed into long, thick claws. He was also keeping his breathing in check and was prepared to enhance his vision as soon as he could see the barrier destroyed. Speed was the most important factor in any ambush, and if the prey was faster than the ambushers, that could turn the tables quickly.

Meanwhile Granny was just finished drawing the next rune in the air, that glowed in bright white light then dispersed all around Lily and herself, turning them transparent and at the end of the cast invisible to the enemies. They were visible to themselves, and she knew that Aiden can 'see' them without vision as well.

Lily was also focused, there was no trace of her childish glee and mischief this time around. She took her role, -protecting her brother, seriously. Bow in hand, with an arrow prepared, her eyes were darting back and forth looking for the first 'meanie' to cross the barrier Granny cast.

As time creeped slowly forward, the first cracks of the barrier could be seen all around them. Their focus, the tension was high in the air. They could see the leader wolf grinning evilly, as it charged to the barrier itself, and with a loud bang, crashed it to pieces.

At this moment, the first arrow was shot from Lily's bow, arching its way towards the closest wolf in front of them, while Aiden enhanced his senses and the muscles in his calf. The next moment, he vanished from their eyes, and appeared behind the 3 farthest wolves, with his hands ripping 2 of them apart, as both of his eyes closed on to the middle one without any obstruction from the other 2.

As the first arrow pierced the forehead of the wolf, the second arrow was already prepared, and in the next moment shot to the second one.

The wolves could not detect where the arrow came from, only that it appeared out of thin air.

In the span of a few seconds, almost half of the attacking party was killed off and mutilated. The leader, stopped and howled into the air, then gave another bark as a set of command, for which all the remaining ones stopped their approach and gathered around the leader, as they continued their pace towards the only visible target, Aiden.

The leader knew that 2 others were hiding somewhere in the area, but without any vision and smell coming from any direction it was unable to pinpoint their location. So without anything better, he committed to the only visible target. Its plan was, that if they could put pressure and maybe kill off the visible target, the 2 hiding ones would come for the rescue. The orders it gave was to protect him, and watch their flank, for the approaching enemy as they attack the boy.

Meanwhile the third arrow was shot, but this time it wasn't a fatal hit, as it only pierced the back of one of the wolves surrounding the leader.

Aiden was ready. Exhaling some used air, he regained his focused state, and directed some of his remaining energy to his calves and senses once again. He had to rely on his speed, and thin the herd. As he vanished from the sight of his enemies once again, flesh and fur was torn apart on the 2 of the wolves guarding the leader on its left side. Howls filled with pain and suffering resounded in the next moment as the 2 crashed to the ground dead in the next second.

The leader was frustrated. All of its plans were literally torn to shreds in a matter of seconds. It couldn't see or detect the 2 that was visible a few minutes ago, and this seemingly fragile human boy was death incarnate. The hunting party it prepared is now gone, and with only 2 of its subordinates remaining, their chances to survive were bleak. By now he understood that it has no chance of winning this, and the only chance for survival would be to retreat.. However, for that the last 2 of the wolves will need to be sacrificed.