10 The discussion.. (1/1)
Mr Marshall entered the consulting room, Dr Shaw was sitting in her chair behind the desk jotting down some things on a note pad. Daniel couldn't help but stare in utter dismay.. # his thoughts: ”How can someone as plain looking as her, as arrogant and cranky as her look so beautiful and mesmerizing to me! I have the world's most beautiful ladies wanting to be with me throwing themselves over me every chance they get but here I am staring at a strong headed woman who refuse to even acknowledge my presence.. but ..I am thinking of her ..I think I am over the edge and I have lost my sanity completely.. God help me.” He choked on his thoughts and pulled himself back together and took the chair right in front of her, sat down and said in a low tone ” You had some demands that you wanted to talk about..”
She gazed up and he totally got mesmerized with her again. He kept staring at her eyes, her eyebrows, her cheeks which flushed a little and her lips moving... Her voice was like music to his ears ... He heard everything she said but couldn't comprehend as he was lost in his own thoughts. As she finished Dr Shaw gestured ”Hhhmm(clearing her throat) .. Mr Marshall are you listening? ” He realized in that moment that he was starring blankly at her even after she had stopped speaking. He was caught off guard starring at he without letting it effect the moment he regained by saying ”I was listening and comprehending your requests”.
He gestured for her to pass on the paper where she had jotted down the requests/demands. He read it in his mind
1) Will need a room adjacent to the patient. A fully trained neuro department Nurse and a Junior Doctor at all times.
2)Will need weekends off
3) No restrictions on her private life and no interference.
4) Weekly twice to attend OPD follow up in the Hospital.
5) Once Michael Marshall regains consciousness and is better she will leave.
He just got focused on the words ” will leave” ... What does she mean by that? Does she think I am going to imprison her? So childish... And he smirked.
Shirley was looking at him for a while and thinking why did she agree to this? What prompted her sudden decision... is it only her Uncle's request or there was more to it. She recalled the scene of the shattered glass and her intern being harmed she was scared to death that Micheal was harmed. Is that the reason? Or is it that she wants to know why she got stood up 3 years back ? Over the years the friendly gestures between her and Micheal of exchanging notes and points had made their relationship grow in a way neither of them knew where it stood. Even she couldn't understand her feeling and longing for all the anwers.
Shirley started at the man sitting in front of her, he was intensely starring at her into the eyes while she put down her requests one by one.His starring was giving her jitters but she didn't want to waver so kept going. And when he asked for her jotted paper she gave it away and then all she could do was stare at him in appreciation. On a closer look she realized how godly he looked with that sharp jaw line, the perfectly combed hair and his dark green eyes it was as if it had an ocean with in it. She gazed at him but quickly realized that she was watching him too intensely , when he gave a smirked look saying
” Have you stared enough?” Hearing that her face just turned red with embarrassement... He went on to say ” Am I that handsome.. that you can't take your eyes off me?” .
She calmed herself a bit and said ” You are highly mistaken I was comprehending all my requests in my head. Not admiring or starring at you. But as you asked me a question let me answer it fairly. Yes! Indeed you are handsome no doubt in it.” His eyes intensified in suprise at how Frank she was, she kept going on to say quickly diverting the topic” Are you ok with the requests I have made?Can we go ahead with the shifting?”