8 A threat... (1/1)
Shirley and Noah discussed throughout the night about all the possibilities of him disappearing 3years ago. Noah said” might be he was kidnapped by a terrorist for the treatment of there ganag members.”. Shirley replied ” wouldn't such a big news be covered in news and media then?, I am determined to find it out if he wakes up and remembers.”
They had ordered dinner from outside. They ate the delicious meal and slept off. Next day morning Shirley's phone rang .... She in half sleep searched for her phone and answered it. ” Hello” A heavy voice replied ” If you are done having a sleepover with your bestie can we meet in hospital to discuss about my brothers transfer ?” . She quickly sat on her bed with eyes wide open and thought how did he know this. As the silence prevailed the stern voice in a taunting way answered ”Don't over think it!I know everything. Get ready and meet me in the hospital. I have to transfer Michael today!”And he disconnected the call. She felt annoyed and sudden urge to choke him to death, buy she calmed herself.
Her phone rang again but it was the hospital.A nurse from ICU said in a panicky voice ” Ma'am you need to hurry to the hospital. There was an incident. Please hurry can't tell details now.” Shirley replied ” ok I will be there ASAP.” She got up, had a bath andchanged into a casual blue jeans and white shirt with a denim jacket, took her keys , her bag and screamed ” Noah , I have an emergency leaving now. See you later.” Noah responded ”ok” and slept off again.
She drove to the hospital and parked her car. She took the direct elevator to the VIP section. She reached the hospital and saw a ton of security guards. Her uncle escorted her in and on her way she saw blood stains and shattered glass pieces. Which made her nervous and she ran towards the bed,- side and screamed ” Michael! ” She saw him unharmed and sighed in relief but her uncle and Mr Marshall were surprised. Mr Marshall asked in a curious tone ” Are you so passionate about all your patients or Michael is an exception?”
Shirley realized she was making a scene and she had let her emotions take over. She held back her feelings and replied ” I was worried for my patient's well being.” She turned to nurse and asked where is Shawn( the intern). ”He suffered a concussion he is resting in the other room.” Shirley took the patients charts and asked ” How is he? Any changes ?.” She thoroughly checked the patient charted her findings. And looked at Mr Marshall and her uncle and said ” We need to talk.”
They went out of the room and sat in the discussion room and closed the door. Shirley yelled ” What the hell is going on here? Can you guys please explain...Why is Michael's brain ECG show disturbances and why is my intern hurt?” Uncle moved forward in a gesture to calm Shirley down. But Mr Marshall intervened and replied ” Our rival group attacked Michael but your intern saved him. This was the reason I wanted to shift him and told you he is not safe here.” Shirley responded ” Your rival group?? Why do they wanna kill him? What now
Mr Marshall replied ” I have made all the arrangements you need to just release him from the hospital and accompany him to the place I have arranged for his care.” Shirley was out of words ” You need to shift him I agree but why will I accompany him? Are you crazy?” Mr Marshall said in a curious tone ” Won't you worry about your patients well - being? Didn't you just say a few minutes back that you are worried about his well-being?.” He just gave her a deep darkening , smirked look.
She said ” I have commitments here, and hospital won't agree for my leave. I have already exhausted all my leaves. ” Mr Marshall gave a snugged look and said ” So resign. I will pay you three times the pay you receive here. Just take care of my brother and get him back to normal. ” Her uncle and she looked at him astonished.