3 Every life is precious... (1/1)

It was not a rare occasion for someone to request her name for a specific patient. It just meant that her work was just more than excellent and her skills undoubted and appreciated by many.She didn't give it much of a thought as it has happened quiet a few times earlier. She left her shopping half way and took her car and left straight for the hospital.

On her way she put her phone on speaker and called Naomi. Naomi picked up and even before she could speak Naomi responded ” Let me guess! something urgent came up and your hospital called you in.”And Shirley's only reponse at that point was ”Sorry! Will make it up to you. You are a sweetheart, right.”

Dr Shirley reached the hospital. As she was coming from out directly she wasn't dressed as her usual official self. She was wearing a floral knee length dress with sneakers and her long black hair which was till her waist were open, her face was radiant than ever... everyone who saw her couldn't believe thier eyes... She didn't bother about the people starring at her that's what her attitude was like all the time - cold and distant...she went straight to operation theatre area spoke to the nurse got to know all the details.

She noticed few people in suits waitingly impatiently with cold and serious faces. She went to her room andchanged into her scrubs and waited for the patient while she gave directions for the things to be made ready. Dr George was all in.. to be a part of it and he did everything to help her.

The patient arrived she took him directly to the MRI room and saw his recent changes on the screen. It was not getting any worse, she sighed with a relief. Thats when a hand from behind touched her shoulder.

She turned and saw her Uncle Ning Hai. She hasn't seen him since last Thanksgiving. She knew he was in security detail but he always kept his work detail a bit secretive. She was surprised and she gave him a hug. Uncle Ning was the one who took care of her and mom when things were a bit hard after Dad passed away.

He responded with a sigh ” I am relieved that you are here! It all happened with my men around, we never expected things to turn like this.” He was about to continue when the nurse called ”Dr Shirley, we are ready for you.” She nodded to the nurse and gave Uncle an assurrance and got to to wash in.

She asked for relatives but none had arrived yet, her uncle signed in place of gaurdian. She explained the risks involved and the outcomes and throughout the entire time uncle was on phone with someone listening in on every single detail.

The surgery was very high profile but that didn't effect her. For her he was just a patient who needed her help and skills. For her every life was precious.

The surgery ran for over six long hours. With her intern doctor updating the relatives about the patient every 1hr of the procedure. That was a unique thing Dr Shirley did and showed how much the patients relatives were important to her. Surgery was over. She got out of the surgeon gowns and washed up and came out at last.

Seeing her Uncle rushed to her asking ”Shirl's?” She gave him a assuring gesture and spoke. ”Where are the patients relatives?”. Uncle gestured towards the back left corner with his hand. A tall, tanned man with a cold and expressionless face with red scary eyes walked towards her. She said ” The operation was success. He might have to rest for another 18 - 24hours under sedation for his brains swelling to go down. But there are chances of him having minor residual effects which can be taken care by physiotherapy. Any questions?” Noone had any ”so I will take a leave then.” She walked away after that.

On her way she asked the intern to inform her about the patients status every hour and to be on this case only. As she was walking away she saw the Minister walk by . Her uncle rushed to his side and introduced her ”This is my neiceand the Neurosurgeon Dr Shirley.. she is the one whooperated on our young master.”