171 Messiah turned Devil (2/2)

'OOoooOOO I'm Mother's ghost' came the child like voice imitating ghost sounds.

In a certain cave two gods could be seen.

”Have you had enough of your games?” asked the figure looking towards the woman who had constructed this game.

”You know I haven't” started the goddess but saw the drawing of energy around the man's hands.

”You have interfered too much already and now this little toy of yours is carrying a creature capable of wiping all life from that world, I will once again clean up your mess” stated the man with finality.

The man pushed his hand into the world causing a lapse in the laws of it's reality.

Draig below instantly locked eyes with the man though they couldn't see one another.

”If you threaten me today then you must certainly kill me” stated Draig as he indeed felt as if he was being threatened by some unknown force.

The man actually widened his eyes at being pin pointed so easily which only served to fuel him to destroy Draig more.

”Oh a newbie...” came that grizzled voice that would cause satan himself to act as a small child.

The man intent on destroying Draig froze, that voice caused him to tremble down to his very core.

”Idiot quickly remove your hand so the laws will be restored” ordered the goddess as she hadn't expected her old toy to be so ready to act.

”Escape? No, I don't think so” roared The Founder as his body manifested in avatar form except he seemed as if he was a giant standing at thirty meters.

”Hien!!!” Cried the Goddess frantically with an actual trace of fear.

”I'm trying but it's gripping me” cried the god named Hien.

”Try to impede the path of my bloodline's successor, ptooey. I was ravaging the worlds before your ancestors were ever worshipped boy, today you will pay for your impetuousness” stated Feras as he seemed to grip the sky and with a mighty heave he ripped the arm from Hien causing the god to cry out as his golden ichor dropped from the sky dotting the land as a new rare treasure that would breed war.

Feras looked at the arm in his hands before smiling, he felt the laws of the world begin to repair themselves which would once again restrain his ability to act.

”Boy this is my blade” stated Feras tossing Hien's arm to the ground before he faded as if he was a mirage.

Draig was unsure of everything that just happened but he was certain of the fact he had been attacked and with a fierce glare he vowed he would return the favor.

”I'm gonna find that Grave forger and when I have completed this task and escape this world, I will be coming for you and your pantheon pathetic god” stated Draig his burning red eyes boring into Hien's very spirit.

”I'm telling mother” cried Hien seemingly having a mental breakdown.

”Your going to tell Mother you offended that old flame of hers?” asked the Goddess causing Hien to sweat at what he heard.

'Old Flame...' he wondered how powerful this man was that he was able to dominate a woman who birthed many different pantheons and still remained supreme.

'Was I actually very lucky' asked Hien silently