166 Eradicating the Immortal Threa (1/2)

The trip to the Capital had taken dramatically less time than previously due to Draig's ability to combine his Mana with the Deva Energy within his body that he had carefully been cultivating as compared to before when he thought his cultivation was fine as it was. During his vulenerable state he had learned that he still carried fear within his heart, that he was nothing more than a slightly stronger mortal before the power of the Deva.

'More powerful I am at my peak the more stronger I will be when I am low' thought Draig carefully as the gates came into view.

'Two weeks this time, I thought it would be more impressive but this is my limit for now I suppose. . . .' thought Draig as he stepped through the gates of the city only to be quickly apprehended by a Deva Unit.

'What the hell. . .' wondered Draig when he was quickly surrounded.

”What is the meaning of this” demanded Draig.

”Silence” stated a Deva going for Draig's rapier causing the Feratu to quickly act as his hand moved quickly and caught the hand before drawing his trusted 'Brush'.

”Do you dare to draw your weapon within the imperial city” called the Deva in charge of the unit eyeing Draig warily.

Draig heard these words and even though he was confused by the situation he already had a way of dealing with these occurrences.

”Ha do I dare? I dare to speak to your emperor plainly and you think I wouldn't dare to draw my weapon when you assault me? Tell me what am I to do when I am being assaulted by the likes of you thugs dressing as Deva” called out Draig loudly getting the attention of those present.

”What do you mean assault, we are arresting you” stated the Deva but he was quickly interrupted by Draig.

”Arrest me? On what grounds, I have only just stepped into the city to report to the Emperor on a task he had assigned me, is it a crime to step into this city? If so, then are you not a law breaker as well, should you not be arrested for the same crime” asked Draig as he made his words clear to the public, it was such that even the gate keeper who had just let Draig in had spoken up.

”What crime has he committed” called the Gate keeper who had checked Draig's credentials.

”This is a Decree from the Emperor himself, this child is to be brought before his Majesty. Do any of you dare to reject the Decree of the Emperor” demanded the Deva making his voice known among the murmuring crowd.

Draig heard this and found himself shocked but he didn't allow it to stay that way for long.

”Then what you are saying is the Emperor has reneged on our agreement” asked Draig suddenly as a smirk began to build on his face and wild look entered his eyes.

”I do not know of any agreements between you or the Emperor, he has ordered that we are to apprehend you the moment you enter this city.” answered the Deva in charge as Draig began to chuckle.

”Excellent then there is no need for these formalities. . . .” stated Draig ominously causing the Deva to feel a knot building in their stomachs.

Draig drew his Rapier once again but this time a celestial aura began to emit from Draig as his wardrobe changed before the eyes of those gathered and his Rapier became a Brush that stood as tall as the Feratu. A mysterious series of Scrolls began to orbit Draig as they stretched out giving off the image of an Immortal.

”M-Materialization. . .” stuttered the Deva present, they were trained within the Capital to be Imperial Deva. This didn't give them the ability to Materialize their avatars, it merely taught them enough to slay demons that posed a real threat to the city's inhabitants.

Witnessing the person they had been told to apprehend, Materialize before their very eyes they couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. However Draig wasn't feeling so awe struck.

'I knew you would show your true colors given enough time' thought Draig as he swung his brush  slathering a line of ink across the Deva who were sent to arrest him.