164 True Materialization (2/2)

The Demons within the room heard the answer and seemed confused, they held no record of any Demons from the previous era and had never met any that lived to the current day. For these reasons the gathered Demons were skeptical.

”What do they call you” asked the Ancient voice though it seemed a great deal more respectful now than it had before.

”It has been many centuries since I had fallen into a deep slumber, I cannot recall the name I once used but a few years ago when I had first awoken in this age I had gone on spree of murdering entire villages. . . . The humans had taken to calling me the Gentleman Demon.” answered Draig continuing his act.

”Gentleman Demon. . . I think I remember hearing about some young upstart causing a ruckus and kicking up Deva Activity. Are you saying that was you” asked a larger Demon who had many spikes jutting out from his back.

”I cannot be forced to worry about the trivial actions of the humans” scoffed Draig as if the Deva Association was irrelevant to any plans he needed to make.

This had the benefit of making those demons in the room a bit more awe inspired as the idea of Draig being some great predecessor started to slowly plant itself within their heads.

The demon who had spoke felt stifled by the words, he didn't know how to respond and thus had opted for silence in the hopes people would forget his own words. It wasn't truly that embarrassing but he had spoken out against someone currently believed to be on a new evolutionary path.

”Well spoken, just as I would hope to hear from a predecessor. . .” announced the ancient voice though he seemed a bit more shaken now.

Draig sensed this and looked down at his chest which had already healed but the blood was still there, as if able to see Draig looking at the blood the ancient voice made to apologize but Draig waved him off as if it was nothing.

”Blood loss is only a problem for the weak, I would hardly consider myself among those concerend about such a miniscule amount of blood” harrumphed Draig as if everything that was occurring was below him.

Those who knew him would find these words to be quite shameless and it almost seemed to be the case as the tattoos that were on Draig's skin began to writhe a bit catching the notice of those around the room.

”Those tattoos. . . are they perhaps why” asked the ancient sounding voice.

”Indeed. . . it is a method I have thought of long ago. The Tattoos are to be considered a physical manifestation of the Deva's Avatars but through a bit of manipulation I can make them come to life giving me various Avatars as compared to the singularity found among the Deva” explained Draig coming up with information on the spot.

The Demons gathered stared in awe, there was a sense of desire in the room as they each wished to be able to show their superiority by combining their natural dominance with the powers of the Deva.

”Predecessor Gentleman Demon. . . . . . Would it be possible for you to recreate the same process with us and allow those gathered here to produce the abilities of the Deva” asked the Ancient voice with hope actually entering it's voice.