141 Introductory to the Spliced Faction (1/2)

Ginji looked towards Draig seriously causing the Feratu pay attention as the man was usually rather goofy.

”What is you wish to discuss” asked Draig displaying his seriousness.

”It would be better if we talked about it in private” hinted Ginji looking towards Souta and the woman at the side serving tea.

”It'll be fine, if they wish to do something untoward then it will be the last thing they ever do” stated Draig causing Souta to nod as if it wasn't him they were talking about.

”If you say so. . . I wish to discuss a possible method to bring your other Avatar into full Manifestation while your in Materialization” Stated Ginji causing Draig to look surprised, he hadnt' expected the smith to actually be concerned with his problem like that.

”What do you have in mind” asked Draig as he motioned for the girl with the tea pot to set out another cup for Ginji.

”You are aware that your Avatar can affect your weapon, correct” asked Ginji looking towards Draig to find any familiarity with this piece of information.

”I am aware, that is the reason my 'brush' won't cut” answered Draig causing Ginji to nod.

”Well the same is true for the reverse, your weapon can affect your Avatar.” continued Ginji nodding his head when he saw he had Draig's undivided attention.

”So your saying that a new weapon might be necessary in order to bring about a full Manifestation” confirmed Draig making sure he was understanding correctly.

”Exactly” answered Ginji smiling as he knew what the next concern for the Feratu would be.

”How are we to get the materials for this so called weapon you are proposing” asked Draig as he held the Thousand Fold blade closely.

Ginji looked mortified at what Draig had thought and had to quickly alleviate the Vampire lest he decide it as the only way.

”I heard there was some kind of Valley that the Deva Association dumped all the corpses of those fallen Deva along with their weapons, if we go there then maybe we can find some proper materials to manufacture your new weapon. However there is a problem” explained Ginji causing Draig to wonder what their next problem could possibly be.

”What is it. . . .” sighed the Feratu.

”From what I have been able to discern from my contacts here in the Deva Grounds the area where the Valley is has been claimed as the territory of one of the Disciplinary Committee members that goes by the name Splice Mouth. A nasty one, rumors say that he uses the Valley for Replacement parts due to the nature of his Avatar making it possible for to connect dead tissue to his own body and use it as his own.” informed Ginji causing Draig to raise one of his eyebrows at this, would there really be such an ability in this world.

”Are you certain that this rumor is reliable” asked Draig but instead it was Souta that answered.