95 Patron or No (1/2)
Draig followed Yuki for some time in silence, the girl had yet to speak any further which had puzzled the Vampire until they had appeared before a large set of gates. Now it was fairly apparent that the girl wished to speak in what he believed to be her compound, the men at the side seeing Yuki opened the gates and allowed her entry.
”Is there a reason that you have decided to speak here instead of somewhere just as suitable” asked Draig as his eyes scanned the area observing the numerous people wielding swords some even carrying two at their side though their number was quite negligible.
”I simply don't wish to be disturbed by outsiders while we discuss your interesting ability” stated Yuki as she lead Draig through the compound.
The Feratu watched in interest as he noticed a group of youths swinging their swords in a spar with an odd personification flowing through their strikes or imposing over their body. It was intriguing to him as he had been wondering what an avatar was but had been unable to witness one in action until now.
'The mechanics of this world are quite different than what I had imagined' thought Draig as he noticed that hardly any of them shared the same avatar.
It wasn't long until Yuki had lead Draig to a quiet little area meant for entertaining guests, the attendants at the side had already prepared tea which was something Draig found suspicious. It was as if they had known about this meeting before they had even arrived.
”Sit and we will discuss when my father arrives” spoke Yuki taking a seat but she did not drink the tea that was set out.
Draig however did not follow the action and took up the tea he had presumed to be for him before bringing it to his nose and sniffing suspiciously. Finding nothing wrong with it he drank causing Yuki to widen her eyes at the act for some reason.
”To drink before your host has arrived, no manners.” stated a middle aged man as he made himself known.
Draig hearing this snorted.
”To invite someone to your home and make them wait shows a lack of respect, so forgive me if I acted appropriately” stated Draig causing Yuki at the side to gasp at the words.
Draig wasn't aware of this worlds customs but where he came from it was rude to ask for someone then to make them wait so he would use the same standard if this person wished to speak of etiquette. He was Feratu, even in this odd world of swords and Demons he wouldn't be treated with less than the respect he deserved. He was someone who enslaved races and was on his way to standing at the peak of his former world, who was this man to speak to him in such a way.
”Hmph, it was not I who invited you. To hold yourself in such high regard with no name or clan to back you, arrogant.” responded the man causing Draig to smile.
”I have met people far more powerful than you who have spoken far more crudely but carried more dignity” shot Draig taking another sip of his tea as he pulled a brush from his satchel and seemed to begin practicing calligraphy though the language was unknown to the people around him. It appeared to be a simple act but Yuki at the side was going to say something but her father had spoke first.
”Ha, then you have the audacity to put on such a pathetic show of Calligraphy before me” stated Yuki's father but the girl tugged at his sleeve getting his attention.
”Father, this is not calligraphy. This is the talent I had informed you of using the Divine Messenger” spoke Yuki causing the man to look at her doubtfully.