78 Family (1/2)

Zarra laughed happily as he and Draig played a super intense game of tag, Gregory and Jared could be seen planted on the ground with various bruised hand prints along their bodies. This was a form of revenge for Zarra while he was playing with his son, he would not forgive so easily just because there was a blessing in disguise.

”Dad, how come they're just laying there” asked Draig as he looked at the downed Necromancer and Bloodknight.

”Good question” laughed Zarra though from his eyes could be seen a menacing glare as the two reluctantly got up and ran from the father and son duo.

”Tag” roared Draig as a hand with spine snapping force landed on the Bloodknight causing him to freeze from the force.

It had been a month since the fracturing of Draig's mind, during this time Zarra had made sure to make up for the years he had missed doing everything he had longed for. Birthdays, games, and most importantly building the bond he craved.

”Alright Draig, come here daddy's got something else we can do now” chuckled Zarra

”Training” asked Draig with a bright smile.

”That's my boy” chuckled Zarra as he began teaching Draig a few of the fundamentals of spell casting as well as the proper way to draw in mana from the environment, a theoretical method he had found success in.

However unknown to the Mage Draig had started to have dreams, these dreams presented him as a child scrounging what he could off the streets being glared at and cursed wherever he went. He saw himself in many different ages and different situations but in the end they were all the same, someone was always aiming for him.

”Hey Dad...” asked Draig causing the mage to pause as he felt the trouble in the young Feratu's voice.

”What is it Draig” asked the Mage softly causing Draig a bit of comfort.

”A-Am I a Monster....” asked Draig causing Zarra to freeze.

”Draig, don't be silly. Why would you ask that” chuckled the Mage

”No reason” answered the Vampire looking down, the dreams felt so real and unknown to him these were actually memories resurfacing.

”Hey, look at me.” started the mage causing Draig to look up.

”Monster, Human, God, or Devil, it does not matter. Wanna know why” asked the Mage

”Why” asked Draig

”Because no matter what you will always be my boy, I would tear the heavens asunder and set this world to burn just for you. I am your father and you my son, this is a bond I cherish and will never let be severed” stated the mage.

'Not again' continued Zarra mentally