70 Training the Enchanter pt4 (1/2)

Draig lead his own charge as the Awakened of the Township chose to flee with few others staying to fight, something to note was that Sherry had chosen to stay and she watched Draig's moves in interest.

'A real Vampire huh, I wonder what the difference is' thought the young imitator

Draig smiled as he met his first opponent and found challenge among them, his blade was met easily and deflected casually causing his grin to become terrifying. This was something he had craved, the opportunity for growth through battle and even these weaker criminals were able to pose a bit of a challenge. This lead to him thinking about those who had stayed behind and formed together or merely ignored the current phase of battle in order to prepare for the long term situation.

Suddenly a head flew into the air gaining everyone's attention, blood spurted from the open neck like a fountain and a book was their to absorb the shower. Eyes went to the little chain that connected the book to it's owner, following until they were locked on Draig.

”Come now, don't just sit and watch. It'll be boring that way” smirked Draig as he slashed wildly taking three other distracted criminals during that bit of pause before the book seemed to gain a life of it's own and flutter to collect it's prize.

With a sudden realization they focused on Draig forcing the Vampire into a difficult situation, but he relished it. He felt the cuts begin to line his body and build in number causing him to feel even more alive as he fought.

In the distance a familiar figure could be seen once again watching the Feratu.

'Sloppy, just sloppy. Grampy's going to really have to get involved at this rate child' thought the figure as he felt tempted to step onto the field.

However suddenly he watched as the young Feratu became mist and fluttered through the hoard leaving a blood bath in his wake as disembodied claws reached out and fell anyone within their grasp. Like a pet following its master the Tome was once again fluttering about taking in their essence.

”Summon” called Draig as he reformed opposite of his last position and sent his imps to collect his prizes, counters and bottomless bags were taken from the corpses and off those who were too focused in battle.

”That is all for now, I hope to see you again very soon” smiled Draig cruelly, his speech causing those who were battling to halt and pay him attention as he drifted away in a cloud of mist.

Far away into the Dark swamp, the Feratu appeared breathing heavily from exhaustion. His regeneration seemed to not be taking effect causing him confusion until he saw the purple tint around his wounds.

'Poison it seems, those mortals are tricky indeed' thought the Feratu as he dropped to the ground in search of a temporary camp until his wounds healed and the poison purged from his body.

”So that's what a real Vampire is capable of” came the sudden voice surprising Draig as he noticed his vision was swimming.

'Damn, it's quite the potent little beauty' thought Draig admiring the strength of the poison inside of him.

Sherry showed herself as it seemed she was breathing heavy from exertion.

”What do you want” called Draig his Ivory blade revealing itself

”Came to see why you really left” answered the girl as she leaned against a tree.

”I merely grew bored, thats all” chuckled Draig though he was finding it difficult to focus.

”Bullshit, your too arrogant to leave for that reason alone” retorted Sherry noticing Draig's gaze seemed to not be on her even though he looked in her direction.

The imps rose from the ground and spat up the contents of their stomachs revealing the bags and other miscellaneous things they had picked up from the corpses. Draig ignored Sherry in favor of rummaging through them to find a pill or antidote to his current affliction.

Sherry watched but didn't attack, she was curious as to what it was the Feratu was searching for until she saw him pull out a yellow pill that was actually rather expensive before eating it.

'H-he just ate it....' thought Sherry unable to believe she watched him eat a figurative gold mine.

Draig wasn't sure what the pill was but he knew yellow usually signified an antidote and he was right as a turbid breath of purple was released from his body causing his wounds to slowly begin knitting back together.

His little affliction averted for the time being he focused his gaze back on the girl before him though with clearer vision this time.

”So you were poisoned, careless aren't you” smirked Sherry until she found herself pinned to the tree she was leaning on with Draig's hand around her neck causing her eyes to widen in fear.