60 The Beast of War pt2 (1/2)

Draig's body fell backwards as Kira's next strike came, the Old wolf saw this and went to soften his blow but suddenly when everyone had thought the Feratu was giving in to his injuries he suddenly caught himself. His figure looked ragged as he stood there awaiting the strike when suddenly he dodged just as before leaning backwards, Kira sighed internally as he found his Master's inability to learn from past failure to be disappointing.

Just as before a gash began opening along Draig's torso but just as the Old wolf's leg flew past it was suddenly halted and Kira's eyes widened in shock. Draig's hand was locked firmly around the limb causing everyone to look at his defeated form that was still hanging limply except for that one hand latched onto Kira's leg.

It was silent as the surprise had actually caused a pause in the battle as no one had seen this coming, Kira sighed again thinking it the last of his Master's will allowing for this final effort.

Kira was about to say something but he felt the grip tightening as Draig suddenly cut his gaze upward to lock eyes with the Old Wolf.

”I'm not finished with our fight” stated Draig before pulling Kira towards him and rocked the transformed Wolf with all the power he could muster in his arms. Time seemed to speed up again as the Wolf met his fist forcing the air from Kira's lungs.

”I will never be finished until I am the final victor” roared Draig as his leg came up to strike the Wolf knocking him away.

Draig took no stance this time and stood there as he calmed his breathing and the wounds on his chest stitched back together slowly.

”I admire this trait of yours but it isn't enough. Master, I ask that you see reason and let go of this pointless battle” stated Kira holding his ribs.

”This battle is pointless to you but to me it holds more importance than you will ever care to understand” muttered Draig but the superior hearing of the Wolves allowed his words to be heard by all causing confusion. What could be so important about a battle between a Master and his subordinate, it was indeed mind boggling but Draig's meaning was lost on them.

Kira hearing this nodded and once again used his speed to create after images, Draig snorted this time.

'I won't fall for this twice' thought the Feratu as his eyes seemed to glimmer revealing something of a blur traveling between each of these doppelgangers.

Grabbing at the Blood on his chest, Draig sent the drops flying before they seemed to change form becoming deadly needles spreading in multiple directions.

Kira stopped dead in his tracks to avoid these needles which was what Draig needed as roots came from the ground and held him but still it was no match to the strength of this Beast of War. However it was never meant to stop it would seem as Draig seemed to phase into existence above Kira.

'Always I have relied on the abilities I have stolen, the classes of others. I have no true move of my own, no style to lay claim to. Today that stops, I'll rely on my own strength until I earn the right to stand on the level of that man' thought Draig as he seemed form a Crimson set of wings on his back aiding his descent.

'Today, I am not Feratu, I am not a Vampire, I am no enchanter. Today I am Draig, the one who will shatter the heavens and all in my path' continued Draig's inner monologue.

”My own move” called out Draig alerting Kira to the devastating tyrant coming from above.

The Old wolf looked up and saw Draig's form with those crimson wings at his back with the sun shining brightly around his image reminding him of an old story that he had been told as a pup.

'A man who could slay the heaven's themselves' thought Kira caught up in the sight of this attack.

”Crimson Raid” stated Draig as his speed seemed to pick up.

Kira shook himself out of his awe of the move and spun once viciously creating a whirlwind that consumed his figure before the howls of a Wolf pack could be heard.

The Fanged Twister, a true Beast of War, had pulled out his most fearsome attack in response to Draig's first original move.

It was earth rattling as those Wolves raced into the heavens to meet Draig causing him to narrow his eyes as he began to spin as well creating something like a drill, his wings causing it to gain a red tint.

”Crimson Spear” yelled out Draig as he struck his hand out glazing it with his blood that quickly hardened to become a serrated blade.

The wind Wolves attempted to rip Draig to shreds with their fang's managing to crack Draig's crimson wings but that serrated blade tore through the twister that housed these deranged mongrels. Suddenly there was a massive explosion of dust and dirt as the twister was imploded while those crimson wings were shattered, the Wolves at the side no longer knew who to cheer for.

The image they had witnessed was not something anyone would believe, the return of the Beast of War and the rise of something even more terrifying.

Soon the dust began to settle, Kira and Draig stood opposite one another obvious wounds along their body's. Draig was obviously the worse for ware of the two but he still didn't drop, Kira was still standing due to the incomplete Iron Body Trait assimilated by him.

”What is it you were searching for in this battle” wheezed Kira tiredly he was certain that he wouldn't be able to continue much longer but he wouldn't just quit after having come this far.