53 The system of a Vampire two (1/2)

Draig froze upon hearing those words.

”My mother, where is she” asked Draig with a longing tinge to his voice.

”She is with her kind, perhaps I should say your kind.” answered Zarra though his tone while speaking was that of loathing.

”Does she know I am here.” asked Draig seeming to understand that something was afoot.

”I am certain she does now that you have fully awakened into your heritage. It shouldn't be long before she comes to retrieve you.” stated Zarra speaking unreasonably calmly.

Draig sighed, he had longed for family and now that he had successfully found one side of his hope it seemed that these two were on opposing sides. He wouldn't choose one side over the other but he also wouldn't neglect either side.

”You need to know a few things about your mother, she isn't a normal being. The very idea of your conception was something she had planned, to her status is everything and if you have truly become the new origin of Vampire's then she will stop at nothing to entice to you to joining her. She had seduced me and played the part of the perfect woman all for the sake of combining my power to her bloodline. I found this out too late and upon learning so had stolen you from her and hidden you away.” explained Zarra though you could hear the hurt in his voice as he remembered the betrayal.

”I see, was I truly just a pawn for her to achieve a higher status.” asked Draig though the anger could be barely translated from his restrained voice.

”To be honest I can not answer that truthfully but that was the reason I was given when I had to fight it out with her. However do not take it to heart, I will never turn my back on you. After all your my boy, remember that leech brat.” stated Zarra finishing his words with a voice full of determination.

”Thank you Mage, no, Father.” smiled Draig as he grew a bit misty eyed at the words.

Zarra hearing those words felt a sensation he hadn't felt in eighteen years, he had longed to hear those words, he needed to hear those words. As they were spoke he felt a chain that had been anchoring his heart had been cut free allowing a invisible weight to be removed.

”Boy, I have waited to hear those words for nearly two decades. I thought it wouldn't be until I was dead and gone that they would be spoken.” laughed Zarra as he floated into the air though if you watched his rising form you could see small droplets twinkling in the wind originating from the Mage's eyes.

Draig merely chuckled as he felt a warmth blooming in his chest, who said that a monster couldn't have humanity. This feeling soon disappeared though, in it's place came an iciness that couldn't be replicated as Draig turned his eyes into the distance where these pagan races had appeared.

'Seems I need to flex a bit of my new capabilities, today this war will end and with it the Guild system.' thought Draig with a smile as his cane seemed to come to life of it's own accord shooting from the distance into his hand.