51 I am the Apex pt 2 (1/2)

Dracule was was exchanging blows with Draig's humanity swiftly causing sparks to flash all around them. The two were seeking the destruction of the other, it was as if neither could live under the same sky as the other.

While these two were brutally battling a strange occurrence was happening in the blood nebula, slowly those spheres of blood which had become so numerous were slowly drifting out of orbit of the center sphere sinking into the unconscious Draig.

Draig's humanity suddenly pulled a ridiculous maneuver planting his foot in Dracule's genitals causing the Originator to cough blood viciously.

Zarra had been shocked by the maneuver but he had still seen such tactics used, Dracule on the other hand had never once heard of a warrior who was so shameless. His pale face had become white as a ghost, he was unable to recover fast enough and received a torrential series of cuts removing his arms and legs before his torso was kicked from his limbs.

”It seems I have successfully disarmed you” laughed Draig's humanity unaware of the oddity occurring with the blood nebula.

”Your shameless” gasped Dracule still recovering from having his bells jingled.

”It's not shameless if it allows me the upper hand” laughed Draig's humanity until he suddenly felt a similar strike with much greater force.

”They're breaking, they're breaking.” cried Draig's humanity noticing the dismembered arm clutching his beloved kahones.

”Ahhh” cried Draig's humanity

”Shameless but effective” stated Dracule sneering as his limbs reconnected as he walked forward and grabbed his remaining arm before reattaching it.

The two of them were wore out from these two decisive blows but they knew it wasn't possible to end this battle until only one of them remained but it was at this moment that the both of them were blown off their feet.

”You are both shameless” came the cold voice that carried a sense of power that seemed to weigh on their beings.

”You woke up” said Dracule with a pleased grin as he looked at Draig's humanity with a victorious sneer.

However that soon changed when he found his genitals once again assaulted.

”Truly shameless, you dare attempt to manipulate me and you, you think I need you to try and decide what path is best for me. I don't think I care for either of your plans for my future.” stated Draig as he stood before the two lookalikes.

”Draig I'm only trying to do what's best for you” explained his humanity.

”Silence, you are a mere fragment of my being and you think you can make such decisions. Foolish, Arrogant. I don't see a need for you to interfere anymore” stated Draig picking his humanity up by the neck and planting his fangs into his neck draining him completely but unlike what had happenedwith other victims of this tactic he was fully absorbed leaving nothing.

”Excellent little brother, I knew that you wouldn't make such a foolish decision” laughed Dracule ignoring the pain in his crotch but he soon found himself clutched in that same grip.

”You are worse than the former, presumptuous that you would dare try and use me as your harbinger. Sickening that you would even dare to act as though you were trying to help me, you only sought your own goals while also seeking my destruction.” stated Draig

”Brother listen I won't allow you to be killed just listen to what I have to say, I am the originator. The Apex Vampire, no one can defeat you with me.” explained Dracule.

”Your wrong” stated Draig

”W-what” asked Dracule surprised.