49 The cost of Humanity pt 2 (1/2)
Draig was asleep in his soulscape, looking over him was a familiar figure. It was another Draig however the aura around this person was vicious and callous. An air of supremacy reeked from him.
”Don't worry dear brother, I will keep us safe until you can wake up” said the lookalike while he picked Draig up and placed in onto a sort of bed that appeared from nothing.
”All these mortals are causing us so much trouble, they are messing with your true awakening but I won't let them continue to burden you. Big brother will pave the path for you, you just need to accept the inheritance and it will be all better.” continued the lookalike as he ruffled Draig's hair as if he was truly a caring older sibling.
Casting a glance towards the other Draig that had represented humanity with a sneer, walking over he kicked him in the side.
”You pathetic little urchin, you kept me locked in here for so long. I told you that he would choose the path of power but you and your pathetic sympathy held us all back.” said the lookalike with disdain.
”How long are you going to lay there, you know he is asleep at the moment.” stated the lookalike.
”I didn't think he would be so decisive, brother surely you understand this path will only lead to us being forsaken. We can't take on the world by ourselves” stated Draig's humanity as he stood up gripping the side of his head giving it a firm twist producing a sickening snap.
”You underestimate our precious little brother, I will take him to the apex. Together he and I will bathe these lesser being's in blood and bring them to worship and fear us. The first stage is clearing away those that chain him to this Plane starting with that despicable Mage.” answered Draig's System
”Brother please think this through clearly, we can't just eliminate all who stand before us. Even you cant battle those higher powers by yourself. Do you think he can do something you are incapable of” demanded Draig's humanity with a loathing tone.
”He will be greater than any that have come before him, he just needs time to become the being I know he can.” responded Draig's System with confidence.
”Then what happened to your previous hosts, you forget I know what you know. The world may have forgotten about the last appearance of the Monster Systems but I know very well what happened. You caused the other Plane's to appear, then you caused the ancient Disasters. Do you really wish to cause another catastrophe.” roared Draig's humanity in anger.
”Silence, don't speak of things you don't understand. I do what I have for the benefit of my host, you and your kind would only see him become a minor being. I aim for something better, something beyond what his destiny would have been. Do you think it is a coincidence that the other monster System's appeared at this time.” countered Draig's System
Draig's humanity paled slightly.
”Y-you don't mean...” stuttered Draig's humanity.
”I called them, we have always collaborated. When I appear they will surely follow, there is more at work than you believe. Let me share a secret that I kept from you. This Plane is coming to an end, do you want to know why.” stated Draig's system calmly with a patronizing tone.