47 Vampire or human (2/2)

Draig felt himself become more human at that moment when he began doubting himself. Shaking his head he glared at his Alternate self.

”You know what my choice will be.” stated Draig looking at this inner incarnation of himself.

”I do, but I wish you wouldn't. This will only destroy you in the end, everything you have worked for will come crashing down around you if you walk this path.” answered the Alternate Draig with a look of sadness as he walked forward to meet Draig.

”It's my choice in the end” stated Draig as he grabbed his counterpart by the neck and slowly closed his hand until he heard a resounding snap.

”Haha, looks like I underestimated you after all. Allow us to guide the new generation to a wonderful future.” laughed Fraudrik as he watched the changes taking place after the death of Alternate Draig.

Regal, that was the only word that could be used to describe Draig at this moment but there was a horrible grimace across his face as he felt his blood begin to boil. It was almost as if his blood was attacking itself in response to this decision.

”AAARRRGGHHH” cried Draig as it became more like a roar in the end.

Fraudrik and the Baroness stood off to the side watching one in anticipation the other blankly.

Meanwhile in the outside world Zarra had finished transferring the inner world when a sort of resonance appeared in Draig.

Draig's body began contorting and clawing at itself before it stood listlessly with blank eyes, Zarra hid swiftly inside his new inner world while watching the scene. He was still weak from the transfer but still the fact that Draig could cause such a feeling to well up within him sent a shiver down his spine.

Draig's body began to lumber through the forbidden zone unabated as he slaughtered any living thing in his path and destroyed everything using his skills.

As this was happening Draig was stuck in his mind howling madly from the pain he was experiencing, Fraudrik smiled as he seemed to walk closer and plunge his hand into his own head pulling out a crimson form of consciousness and leading it to Draig's temple.

”Cheska, you do it too.” ordered Fraudrik as he seemed to become dramatically weaker and almost translucent.

The Baroness said nothing as she walked forward and repeated Fraudrik's actions, as she too grimaced slightly.

”Do you think he could actually face that man with this.” asked Cheskalooking towards Fraudrik.

”I don't know but now he at least has a better chance, this is after all the heart of a vampire. If we fall then we will wish to see other's fall by the same hand to protect our pride. Honestly though, I don't mind losing to this kid. I am sure you sensed it as well but he carries the same aura as him but it's stronger.” laughed Fraudrik as he started to fade out.

Cheska remained a bit longer before she too disappeared but as she vanished a few soft spoken words echoed out.

”Bring the Planes to their knees”

Draig's body seemed to fall into a state of peace for the time being but who knows what he would find upon waking up.