42 This is War (2/2)
'Host has encountered fortuitous anomaly, adjusting stats and levels'
Draig then watched as countless notification began appearing, it took a while but eventually everything settled.
'Host has unlocked Skill tree, system undergoing reboot'
Draig didn't like the sound of that as he felt himself going faint once again, darkness began to cloud his vision until he finally blacked out. Before he could hit the ground a petite figure darted out of the shadows and caught him.
”Sylvie won't allow the ground to sully her lord.” muttered Sylvie as she began carrying Draig back to the city.
Sylvie ignored the looks from the members of their makeshift army as she took Draig to bed and allow him to rest. She was unaware of why he had passed out but she knew that it would allow him to rise again even more powerful than before.
'Sylvie will always be here Lord, just as she was from the moment she met you' thought Sylvie smiling as she caressed Draig's face with a needy gaze.
While this was happening outside Draig's body was undergoing further changes, the most obvious was the huge boost to his mana pool. This was only secondary to his physical stats though as his bones began forming a crystallized layer of film over his skeleton. His claws became sharper and far more sturdy but the most alarming was the condensing of his toned frame.
His body was becoming more compact making it look as if he had never trained a day in his life but underneath that frame was a new type of power begging to be unleashed. Sylvie was too caught up in admiring Draig to notice at first but when his face began slimming and becoming more regal she took immediate notice.
A frightening pressure began building in the room that was near suffocating for Sylvie but she stayed right next to Draig. Her composure in this moment would have painted a heartwarming scene as she refused to leave even while being caused pain.
'Nothing will come between Sylvie and Draig' thought Sylvie as the pressure began taking its toll on her, she slowly lost control of her senses as the world spun until she too fainted.
No one was aware of what was transpiring in the room but outside a horrible force had arrived before them.
Looking into the distance a few of Draig's group had begun cheering thinking that they were receiving reinforcements but they realized their mistake quickly.
Guilders, all of them were coming but not in the name of joining their ranks. It was instead to wipe them out it seemed if the head of their scout was anything to go by.
”Everyone prepare, we are under attack. Get in formation and let no man walk” cried Goeki as Stein took a place next to him.
These two had become somewhat familiar and had managed to form a bond of brotherhood, this moment was something they had both begun to yearn for unknowingly. Stein because of his developed lust for battle and Goeki because of his new abilities from being turned.
Unknown to these Guilders something terrible was on the horizon and it would be a terrifying reckoning for all who dared to oppose the Conqueror.