30 Firming the Grip (2/2)
Not long after the Flame Knight had showed up baring grave news.
”What happened to you out there” demanded Draig calmly
”We were ambushed by a Guild Master, he managed to kill a few of us while others left injured” reported Goeki refusing to stand this time around.
Draig hearing this stood from his throne seething but at the same time grinning inwardly, it seems they took him to be a pushover.
”Goeki stand” ordered Draig
”Yes Lord” answered Goeki rising to his feet
”Which Guild Master was it, be very clear” asked Draig as he looked at the Flame Knight
”Master Ibacus, of the Warring Heaven Guild” answered Goeki
”Are you certain” asked Draig as he began walking down the steps leading to his throne
”Yes Lord, there is no mistaking it” answered Goeki
”Very well, gather the soldiers who are willing to fight and bring Nixi and the summoners. I already warned them of the consequences but it seems they were not convinced. Tina gather those with the Hunters class and have them on stand by for the aftermath” ordered Draig as he began walking out of the room making his way to their destination.
Goeki was quick and had gathered everyone he was ordered too and accompanied Draig to the Warring Heavens Guild.
As they marched through the streets the people were once again amazed by the show of force, they were curious as to what had happened to require so many armed Users to take action but when they saw the direction they were heading civilians began cowering in their homes.
It was not long before Draig and his troops arrived before the gates to the Warring Heavens Guild but they were locked firmly causing Draig to give a patronizing smile.
”Nixi, open the door for me” commanded Draig
The summoner stepped forward calling an odd phrase before a massive creature struck its hand through a rift crashing into the gates which showed no signs of resistance.
'Let the strangle begin' thought Draig walking through the destroyed gates