217 Ensnared (1/1)

Codename:Phoenix basabookk 23650K 2022-07-23

Moments when Wang Reiji left room 007, Zhang Chenric instantly dropped on the floor facing the balcony with his eyes staring at the night sky, admiring the warm milky glow of the moon. Hoping that its soft rays can swallow or lessen the heaviness of his troubled heart. He then moved his right arm up, reaching for the moon as he recalled his beloved's vibrant smile. However, the cold night air suddenly blew, it slowly pushed the clouds towards the glowing moon, concealing its lovely view from his sight.

”Yin!” Zhang Chenric yelled as the clouds seemed to forcefully abduct the moon from the night sky view, reminding him of the wrath and pain in Wang Reiji's eyes during their heated confrontation.

”My beloved, you are like the moon… though cratered and alone in a sea of stars you still managed to shone brightly. And now, your silvery light is bound to cast shadows upon your enemies…” Zhang Chenric murmured under his breath as his hands moved to cover his face, trying to halt the tears that rolled down his cheeks. However, no matter how hard he tried to keep the tears from falling, he just simply cannot control it. Especially when he understood that things were entirely different from what they were five years ago.

That the hands that caressed his face when his sad or lost had just pointed a gun at him. That the mouth that was so swift to smile and the lips that kissed him back then just hurled curse words at him… He had to face it, the time they had and the love they shared were already nothing but memories.

Though Wang Reiji remained in his heart, she had locked him out of hers. Also, the love she had for him back then was no longer there. Worse, she strongly believed that he abandoned her and their child.

”I did not abandon you, my love… like you… I was also set up and was cornered…” Zhang Chenric said as his voice broke in to a sob. Just when Zhang Chenric was about to be swallowed whole by the void in his heart, a soft thud was heard from a short distance.

”Master…” Lee Qingya called out softly as he landed on his feet. It seemed like he climbed all the way up the balcony of the room.

As Lee Qingya's footfalls approached, Zhang Chenric remained stationary, seemingly as if he was already a dead man.

”Master? We need to get out of this place now. I saw the general manager downstairs; she was low-key instructing some bodyguards to drive out the occupant of room 13007. I heard her telling them to drag you out if you will not cooperate. Master, let us leave this place before the police gets involved.” Lee Qingya almost shut his eyes while telling Zhang Chenric to evacuate. It was the first time again since the past five years ago that he saw his boss reduced in such a pitiful state.

”Please forgive my incompetence, master. I cannot get into the building's system. It seemed like Miss Yin saw through our plans and deployed a level 7 hacker as a precaution. I failed to cover your tracks and remove your presence from the CCTV monitors of the hotel.” Lee Qingya sounded very apologetic and disheartened.

There was a long silence after Lee Qingya voiced out his report. He then felt worried of his master's emotional and mental well-being.

”My sweet Yin had finally grown fangs. And I could not be any prouder. I think we can leave her alone for a while. So, for now, let us focus ourselves with the task of knowing more about the hidden hand. Once I get hold of the people who wanted my father dead and punish those who sent my beloved to prison, that is when I will show myself to her again.”

”This subordinate understands.” Lee Qingya replied swiftly. ”I already prepared our escape master.” Lee Qingya added.

Though the scenario a while ago sapped Zhang Chenric's energy and disabled his spirit, he vehemently pushed himself up and wiped his tears dry.

”Two minutes. I need two minutes to get myself ready for departure.” Zhang Chenric said as he shut his eyes close for a moment to somehow enjoy the warm breeze brushing his face. He then opened his eyes to rest his sight on to the view of the city at night time.

”Yin… Your gaze tells me that you no longer see me as person you once loved but an enemy instead… That the love you once had for me turned to pain. And that pain sowed hatred strong enough to end any chances of us getting back together. But I still believe… that one day the fragment of the love we shared will help me take down walls in your heart and free us both from suffering.” Zhang Chenric finally said before he walked straight to the master's bedroom.


When she left the room, Wang Reiji quickly dashed towards the elevator and did not even look back. As the elevator doors shut close, she started to strike its walls with her hands, seemingly releasing her frustrations.

Before seeing Zhang Chenric, she was very much eager to hurt him in every cruel way as possible. Every cell inside her body was begging her to get revenge against him. But when the time came for her to revel her vengeance, pity had broken through her defenses and had found its way to her heart. That her resolve­­­ to kill the man she despised the most unexpectedly weakened. And for some uncertain reason, a small spark of longingness which she thought she had already extinguished a long time ago, suddenly flickered when Zhang Chenric wrapped his arms around her. The feeling of yearning slowly seeped in to her system causing her to enter a tranced like state as if ensnared by his charm.

'Why do I get this feeling that he still loves me and that he is telling the truth?' Wang Reiji asked herself in silence as she clenched her fists and gave the wall of the elevator a finishing punch.