211 CEO of Undercovers (1/2)
Wang Yuvin's dark countenance can still be felt even behind the long nose black venetian mask he was wearing in the masquerade party. He was itching to inform his sister about Zhang Chenric's bold move of approaching Europa while he was on the stage delivering his welcoming speech. However, he cannot do so for Wang Reiji was already doing her undercover mission with Hanzo and Rentao. Also, he cannot simply leave his post for every person's eyes in the banquet hall were now locked on like magnets at him.
(This part here happened before the commencement of the masquerade ball. I hope you don't get confused.)
On their way to the hotel earlier,Wang Reiji ran down the details of the mission to Wang Yuvin, Rentao, and Hanzo.
”Because we need to get near the guests without them knowing our identities, we must disguise ourselves. And I think the best way is to dress up as waiters.” Wang Reiji said as she signalled Rentao to bring out uniforms of Golden Palate.
”Why are there only three uniforms?” Wang Yuvin asked mulling over why there were only three uniforms when there were four of them involved.
”My dear bro, I am entrusting Europa to you. Also, you have to deliver the welcome speech instead of me.” Wang Reiji replied as she started to get herself ready.
”Huh? What welcome speech? And why is a five year old girl attending a masquerade ball that may turn into a warzone later?” Wang Yuvin protested.
”That's why you will be taking care of daughter. Between the two of us, you are more than capable of giving her protection. Besides, the Lius does not know who you are. If it is me, they may notice resemblances. It is too early for them to get hints”
”Okay I get it but why do we need to bring Europa to the ball? What if Zhang Chenric suddenly shows himself up? What if he sees Europa there and decides to introduce himself as her father?” Anxiety and anger can be heard in Wang Yuvin's voice.
”He won't do that. Not in front of a crowd. And not when Liu Lingli (Huang Xur) has her eyes on him. Besides, you guys will occupy a VIP table. Zhang Chenric cannot simply get near you. I am sorry bro but Europa really wants to attend the party. How can I say no when she beams a beautiful smile whenever she tries on her gowns?”
Wang Yuvin easily understood his sister's dilemma. Indeed, saying no or turning down Europa's request was never easy especially when she made use her of ultimate skill: the cute attack. Though they did not want to spoil Europa, they cannot help it since the little girls was such a darling.
”Alright. I'll take on the task, sis. IYou can count on me.” Wang Yuvin raised his right hand up as he uttered his promise.
”Thank you, bro! I know I can always count on you.” Wang Reiji said, giving Wang Yuvin a gentle tap on his shoulder.
Wang Reiji then continued to discuss the plans for tonight, meticiously explaining every detail one by one before they reach their destination.
(This part here and the speech of Wang Yuvin happened simultaneously.)
As Wang Yuvin started his speech, the managing director gathered selected staff and assigned them the tables they'll be attending to the rest of the party.
”As per the management's recommendation, all you will be handling the tables of top-listed VIPs,” the managing director announced as she switched glances at the selected servers. ”You have to be attentive to their needs. Give them what they need…paper towel, wine, champagne, have their dressing to the side if they asked you to. And most importantly, be polite and move with grace.” The managing director paused for a while before she continued,
”And you two, recommended by the management, I don't know your connection with the higher up, but no special treatments here. Anyway, you,” The managing director turned her head to Wang Reiji.
”You will serve table 10. And as for you,” The managing director then switched her gape from Wang Reiji to Rentao.
”Table 6 is assigned to you. Okay? Remember this, if you fail, you fail. I will report to our boss based on your performance. Did I make myself clear here?” the director sternly asked.
Wang Reiji and Rentao as well as the kitchen crew and staff nodded in unison.
”Again, be attentive. No walking or roaming around while Young Master Wang delivers his speech. The whole event is being video recorded. We cannot mess it up especially when a big boss is having his moment on stage. You guys will only start moving around once the young master is done talking! Also the video advertisement of Oriental Europa will start playing right after young master's speech. Rumors say that it's a masterpiece, but don't bother to be hooked by it. Your job here is to serve the guests, not act like one. Understood? If there will be no more questions or concerns, you are dismissed. On to your stations…now!” she ordered.
Wang Reiji smiled to herself, she better reward this managing director. Despite her age, she still managed to do her work efficiently. Plus, she did not reek of favoritism, and doesn't get intimidated by special requests. Truly befitting of her rank in Oriental Europa hierarchy.
Soon as they were dismissed by the managing director, Wang Reiji and Rentao hurriedly went to the fire exit, and wore their earpieces.
”Can you hear us, Hanzo?” she whispered, looking at Rentao who seemed to be having a hard time wearing his earpiece.
”Yes, boss. Rentao, are you alright?” Hanzo jokingly asked Rentao.
”I got it…yeah. We could joke around later, Hanzo, after this night,” Rentao bantered back.
Wang Reiji cleared her throat, and looked sternly at Rentao. ”Now that we're all set, let the show begin,” she said. ”We will go back now, Hanzo. Let's do our best for we cannot make this mission flop,” Wang Reiji warned them one last time before going back to the event. When they entered the hall it was already filled with guests and Wang Yuvin was already in the middle of delivering his welcome speech. She and Rentao then fixed themselves and grab their trays. They stood at the side of the hall near the buffet table. Wang Reiji then looked at Rentao, who's lowkey protecting her before she subtly pressed her fingers against her earpiece. ”Hanzo, how's everything on your end?” she softly asked.
”All systems go. I have all my computers up and running,” Hanzo replied. ”I already locked my eyes on the tables as well,” he added.
”That's good. Just be on standby. Yuvin is almost done with his speech. Few moments after he's done talking, the video commerical will start playing and we will start approaching the tables assigned to us.” Wang Reiji whispered.