201 14/15 (1/2)

Codename:Phoenix basabookk 41060K 2022-07-23

When Wang Reiji arrived in the dining hall, everyone was already busy eating the dishes served to them by sous chef. Even her daughter who disliked vegetables was now happily munching stir fried vegetables with much gusto.

Wang Yuvin immediately noticed his sister so he quickly called her attention.

”Sis, we are already eating.”

Wang Reiji smiled and waved her hand at Wang Yuvin and said, ”Yeah, I can see that. And the food must be good because my little one is eating vegetables.”

”Welcome back, CEO Wang. I hope you don't mind us if we went ahead and eat without you.” Chairman Xu had just finished swallowing his food and was getting another serving of the dish on his plate.

”I don't mind it at all, Chairman Xu. Afterall this lunch is mainly for my brother's esteemed guests.” Wang Reiji replied as she took her seat beside Europa.

”Mama! Look! I am eating vegies! They do not taste that bad. Mmm... they are not sweet but I kinda like the taste.”

Wang Reiji wiped the corners of her daughter's mouth with tissue and said, ”Good job, sweetie. I am really happy that you started eating vegetables. Mama is so proud of you.”

Hearing Wang Reiji's positive remarks, the sous chef can't help but feel proud of his accomplishment. Thanks to his persistence, he was able to persuade the young miss of the Wang family into eating vegetables in exchange of teaching her how to make her favorite vanilla apple tart.

Seeing Europa's antics, Chairman Kiang felt nostalgic. The scene he just saw with his two eyes reminded him of a young Kiang Leilei. He then stifled a laugh when he recalled a rather funny event from his granddaughter's childhood.

Startled, Kiang Leilei looked her grandfather's way and with an amazed look on her face she asked, ”What's funny grams?”

”I just remembered the old days. Back you were just a little girl. You used to be like Europa. You dislike eating.”

Kiang Leilei replied with a gentle smile as her mind begun to a trip down her memory lane. Indeed, she was once just like a Europa. A little girl who was full of innocence and hope eventhough she grew up without a father and a mother beside her.

”It still amazes me how everything feels like just yesterday. When Lei was a young girl, she refused to eat lunch with me. At first, I thought she hated me for taking her away from her father. But later on, our servant discovered that Lei strictly follows her tea party schedule.” Chairman Kiang comfortably shared one of his precious memories from Kiang Leilei's childhood.

”Tea party? Mama, what's that? I think I have not played that game before.” Chairman Kiang's words piqued Europa's interest.

”Tea party is an event where teas and cakes are served to guests.”  Wang Reiji explained, making Europa's eyes widened in amazement.

”How wonderful! To be served cakes the whole time! But I don't drink teas. I only drink milk.” Europa showed a disappointed look on her face.

”Well, you can always ask the host for the drink that you want.” This time Kiang Leilei was the one who answered Europa's question.

”Cool! How I wish I have lots of friends that I can invite to my tea party!” Europa sighed deeply and placed her hands under her chin.

”But my tea parties... My guests were only teddybears though.”

As Kiang Leilei's words took flight, compassion and pain burned the hearts of the people around her. Unknowingly. Kiang Leilei created a heavy atmosphere enough for everyone to feel bad for her.

”Hey, what's with the long faces?” Kiang Leilei asked with a pair of hands slightly raised mid-air and an awkward smile on her lips.

Silence answered Kiang Leilei's query which made the situation even more awkward.

”Please don't feel bad for me just because my guests were teddybears. Those simple days were actually the best parts of my life.” Kiang Leilei explained, her gaze relaxed and her smile warm.

”Let's have a tea party some time, Aunt Lei.” Europa wore her best smile and looked at Kiang Leilei's direction.

Europa's words caught Kiang Leilei off-guard. She truthfully did not want to involve herself with the Wang Family anymore. But how can she turn down an innocent girl's offer? How dare her say no to such a lovely and sweet creature? Contemplating whether to accept the invitation or downright reject it, Kiang Leilei kept silent as she search the right words to say.